[šŸ“œTUG] The Ultimate Guide to Tycoons! | WIP | v1.0.24

Feel free to add to this guide if you wish.



Update log

This is for all the things that change in the wiki.

V.1.0.0: Original guide was created.
V.1.0.1: @surprised.Patrick Added a poll.
V.1.0.2: @surprised.Patrick Gave credits to @Txme_Lxss
V.1.0.3: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.4: @Blackhole927 Created this as a wiki.
V.1.0.5: @Slim Changed the links to oneboxes.
V.1.0.7: @surprised.Patrick Separated all big paragraphs into shorter paragraphs.
V.1.0.8: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.9: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.10: @Slim Added the tags tug, tycoon.
V.1.0.11: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.12: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.13: @surprised.Patrick Removed poll and added part of step 4.
V.1.0.14: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.15: @surprised.Patrick Nearly finished step 4.
V.1.0.16: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.17: @surprised.Patrick Finished step 4 and created the update log.
V.1.0.18: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.19: @surprised.Patrick Created and finished step 5.
V.1.0.20: Messed up edit.
V.1.0.21: @Unit_72 removed ā€œDO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS WIKI UNLESS YOU HAVE PERMISSION!ā€ Because @suprised.patrick was suspended and added version to the title.
V.1.0.22: @Unit_72 Condensed Guide Credits.
V.1.0.23: @Unit_72 Added 2 Official Polls.
V.1.0.24: Undo the polls by @Unit_72, add note to title.

Hello, and welcome to my Tycoon TUG! Today, we will be going over the things you need to create a tycoon! Whether you are making a wizard tycoon, to a tycoon about the number 7, this guide will help you the whole way through! I would like to give credits to @Shdwy, @DriftUknown_YT, @Txme_Lxss, and @WolfTechnology for creating these guides:

How To Make a Tycoon Game (Difficulty: 2)
How to make your own Roblox Tycoon Game!
How to make a tycoon step-by-step! (difficulty 1/10, or šŸŸ¦)
(Go check those guides out!) This will be a more advanced version of all their guides, but combined. It will also have more things you can add.

Anyways, enough of my yappin letā€™s get into the guide!

Step 1: The Base.

You can change your base to look different than mine, but hereā€™s the end result of the base:

To start off, build a 20x16 grid floor out of BOARDWALK.

Next, create a laser door by placing two metal poles at the bottom (front) of the building. Then, add another metal pole, rotate it 90 degrees, and put it to the top of the poles. Lastly, add 3 laser beams at the top, middle, and bottom of the door, and then, youā€™re finished with your laser door!

Remember to put everything in this step as ā€˜Visible on Game Startā€™ to NO! EXCEPT THE CONVEYOR! When finished, it should look like this:
Screenshot 2024-08-27 17.05.59

Next up are the walls! First, get a dark wooden sign, and size it to fit the front and back walls, getting it above the laser door as well. Once done, get 2 dark wooden poles, and place them on the left and right of the floor. The finished product should look as so:

Next up is the conveyor!!!

To create this, get a metal sign, and tint it pitch black. Now, just to get things straight, you can create any conveyor style you want, but I will be going with the classic three-row-meet-in-the-middle-type conveyor. To resume, get metal poles and place it on the left, right, and top of the sign.

Next, add a metal sign (again pitch black) to connect both metal signs. Add a metal pole at the bottom of the metal sign we just added. Finally, add a final metal sign tinted to any color you like to create the drop section. Box this out with metal poles, and you have finally finished step one! Hereā€™s what it looks like when itā€™s completed:

Great job so far! Time for step two.

Step 2: The Click Dropper.

Welcome to the first Dropper! The first thing to create is the design of the Dropper. First, create a metal pole, and rotate it 90 degrees.

Next, add another one, and tilt it to a 45 degree angle. Lastly, get a metal sign that looks like an arrow, and make the arrow face down. Iā€™m not the best at art, so you can upgrade your Dropper.

Then, add a button inside the Dropper. The Dropper should look like this right now:
Screenshot 2024-08-27 17.51.40

Next, create an item granter, granting 1 Cash, and wire the button to the item granter like so: Button Pressed ā†’ Grant Item. Lastly, position the Dropper to the conveyor as shown:
Screenshot 2024-08-27 18.31.30

This step was easy, and the next step wonā€™t be as easy. (By the way, I moved the item granter out of the picture.)

Step 3: The Auto Dropper.

To warn you, this step will not be as easy, so good luck.

To start off, use the design you had for our Click Dropper, but this time move the button a little to the left, and an optional choice is to create a button activation loop.

Also, set all metal signs to ā€˜Visible on Game Startā€™ to NO! Lastly, set ā€˜Show Propā€™ on auto1 for all metal signs.

For this Dropper weā€™ll need to create a vending machine, and set it to item required: Cash, and Amount: (Changeable). Set the ā€˜When Item Purchased Transmit Onā€™ to auto1.

You now have your automatic system, but now we have to make it able to add cash. This part takes a long time, and will always be this way until I find a new way to do this.

For the cash, create an item granter, and a LOT of wire repeaters. Wire the button to the wire repeater as Button Pressed ā†’ Grant item. Next wire the Button to your first wire repeater, with 1 second delay.

Wire the wire repeater to the item granter to grant the item. Copy what you did for the wire repeater, but each time you add a new wire repeater, add another second of delay to the wire delay. Move the whole system to the conveyor as shown:

Good job on step three, see you in step four!

Step 4: Purchasable Walls.

This step is not hard at all.

So first, create a vending machine, and set ā€œVisible In Gameā€ or something like thatā€¦ to no. Also, set the Required Item to Cash, and the amount of how expensive the walls should be. Lastly, set the stock amount to 1.

Next, create a button, and wire it to the vending machine as Button Pressed ā†’ Attempt To Purchase.

Now, if you did Step 1 right, the walls shouldnā€™t be visible on game start. Because of this, you wire the vending machine to the front wall as ā€œItem Purchased ā†’ Show Propā€.

Then, do the same thing, but only wire the vending machine to the left and right walls.

Finally, do the exact same thing you have been doing, but wire the vending machine to the back wall.

I told you this step would be easy. See you next step at the laser door step!

Step 5: Laser Door.

To start off, move the laser door we created earlier to somewhere that fits for you.

Next, add TWO buttons that are not active on game start. Place them as shown:
Screenshot 2024-08-29 18.04.46

Great! Now, we will use the same system as step 4.

First, add a button. This will be the button to purchase the laser door. We will call this the purchaseButton.

Now for the main part. First, wire the purchaseButton to a vending machine with the required Item as cash, the required amount is the price you want the laser door to cost. Make the wire be ā€œButton pressed ā†’ Attempt to Purchaseā€, and wire the vending machine to the poles as ā€œItem Purchased ā†’ Show Propā€. And thatā€™s basically the quick recap of how to do that.

Next up is the lasers. This is pretty simple in my opinion, so letā€™s do it!

Wire the button that will be inside the base to the lasers to activate the lasers.

Lastly, wire the button that will be outside to the lasers deactivating them.

Now, youā€™re done with the Laser Door! See you on Step 6: Floor Two.

Thank you for reading this far! More stuff will be added over time, but this is all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed my guide for today, and again, huge credits to all the people I mentioned before. Please note that this took me 3 hours to make, so please donā€™t go like ā€œoh thereā€™s already a guide on thisā€, because I know, and credited them, but I added more stuff than other tycoon guides. Step 6 will be out soon, so again, thanks for reading, and see you all next guide.


yo nice wip, cant wait to see the final result!

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Great guise! Iā€™ve seen these games so many times,but ive never thought to make done in gimkitā€¦! Maybe Iā€™ll try to!


I highly recommend against making it a wip. Youā€™re only a tl1. You have like 1 day to edit



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thats facts, maybeeee you could get blackhole to make it wiki?

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True. Sorry, @Blackhole927 but can you make this a wiki so I can add on to it over time?

Ooh this looks really cool

Wizard tycoon a classic too

Only problem isā€¦ you will have really short editing time because your only TL1

If you want, you can ask a regular though to make you a wiki. So far, this looks really cool! Thereā€™s pictures for the final look. 1 Day of editing, so good luck, nice puffer fish skin, how do you get that? And yeah. This is pretty good. You could try making paragraphs though to make it easier to read.

Instead of a big wall of text so itā€™s a little easier on the eyes (something I learned from Haiasi that I still use :slight_smile: )

But so far, so good. Excited for a finished product! :smiley:

I almost forgot

last: me wasnā€™t credited :frowning: jk I donā€™t really care lol

Not really, they are just super repetitive


Arenā€™t TUGs supposed to be wikis or am I losing my mind?

Anyways Iā€™ve heard tycoons are really hard to make. Actually canā€™t wait to prove em wrong.

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a normal regular cant make something wiki but a leader can!

ahEM Blackhole (lool)


I was meaning like an entirely new post copy and pasted onto there- but the leader plan sounds better.


So, the pufferfish is season ticket, and I didnā€™t know you make a tycoon guide! Iā€™ll add you in the credits right now.


Nah itā€™s fine lol

I didnā€™t really care about credit- my thing was kinda difficult to find I searched up tycoon and saw nothing, so doesnā€™t sweat it.

And also thanks for informing me about the puffer fish!

some image clarity, not even the topic similar thing can save you (unless you literally search up Roblox with tycoon, which wonā€™t happen often)


Alright. (No problem by the way.)


Ultimate guides are usually a bunch of different guides pulled to make one big guide, or a bunch of people together to make (also) a big guide:

But overall nice guide.


Iā€™m asking to make it a wiki, and so people can work together to make it.

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Okay, @Blackhole927 can you make this a wiki for @surprised.Patrick?

Also @surprised.Patrick you couldā€™ve asked a TL_3 to make a wiki for you, I learned this the hard way with brainfugd.


Ofc you search that up w/ your php :roll_eyes:

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They meant you could have asked a TL3 to make their own post a wiki for you.

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