NEVER USE TRIGGER CHAINS and a guide on "waiting" time in blocks! 🟨 or 5/10

Hello! Your local chunky here!
So I saw this guide and wondered if there was a better way to do this:

Basically all the stuff and ideas covered here came from my friend @Nondegon, but I’ll apply my guide-making skills to teach gimkitters new to the art of creating GKC games how to use triggers effectively. Before we start, a quick montage of trigger warnings:

That’s a lot, right? What if you wanted to create a 30fps animation for 3 seconds? That would take 90 triggers and 3,600 memory. What if you wanted to edit how fast the animation is, because your spacing skills for the props are too bad? You’d have to change 90 triggers. However, if instead of 90 triggers, you could just have one trigger with blocks, and a property? that 3,600 has been decreased to just 540, and the 90 channels have been changed to a single edit. In this guide, I’ll cover how to make this system, and how this could be used to ‘wait’ time in blocks.
Let’s dive right into it!
First, grab a property.

Next, grab a trigger.

In the blocks of the trigger:

Nice! We want to know when to stop triggering, though, so use an if statement.

In the else, you could also send on a channel that deactivates the trigger.
And don’t forget: make a deactivation channel.

Okay, system done. Now for the props.
Get any prop you want, but the important thing is the settings:

Now repeat this for the props or frames in your animation. IMPORTANT: Here, the frame starts at 0!

And you’re done! You now have a working animation! Make sure to not trigger it more than once though. . .
How can I change the speed? 1 setting: trigger delay.
How can I make one frame take longer? Make the next frame a larger number than it should be: example: FrameNumber16, FrameNumber28.
Also, I think I’m the first one to post a guide on this.

Now on to waiting time in blocks.

With our same trigger system, instead of having one piece of code get executed with the rest of the code, we can wait by checking the value of the property. For example: Grab a number property. In this one, it'll be called "Seconds". Grab a trigger with delay of 1 second. In the blocks, make it execute an action.

At the end, make it increment a property.

Now grab some if blocks.

And make it detect when it should restart.

Now, instead of using other triggers, we can use this system to wait a few seconds before continuing to do other actions in block code!
(I tested it, and it works! Yay!)
Honestly I don’t really think the second part is useful rn.

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0 voters

you can just use wire repeaters
and there is no waiting time in blocks you just used a trigger

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I literally made a roller coaster guide with this…


My guide is about a system that is an alternative to wire repeaters, because that’s a lot of work and double stuff (repeaters + props) Also this is a system to allow you to wait time in blocks.

You did? Send me a link, please, I really thought I was the first to post one though

I am not asking for credit, because your guide is a guide on the system, and Also the system was not the main point of my guide…

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Wow. Amazing. I am running out of technical guide ideas. Text renderer maybe. . . but there’s already concepts on that

yeah, new stuff is hard to come up with. But keep trying and one day you will find one

How does your guide only have 2 likes?! Guaranteed like for me!

well that time was when people were spitting out guides a lot, so they tended to sink to the bottom… lol.

Yea I thought the recursive code would work but I forgot a block limit exists :skull:

yeah Nondegon I was going to ping you, too late though
Thanks for the permission for sharing.

awesome guide, @chunky!

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Bump because
“repeater chain” in the title
How dumb am I??
(‘Repeater’ chain instead of ‘Trigger’ chain!!!)

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Lol. Sadly my idea doesn’t work as well for JSAB-style bossfights because of the BLOCK LIMIT. Animations work great thankfully.

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Also, the second thing is useful if you are doing an action for the second time.

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as someone who does use trigger chains, they are in fact more memory efficient, are simpler to use, and even with extremely long animations aren’t that bad

i’d also like this better if the guide name was shorter

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Yeah it sounds like an advertisement lol.

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But for this guide i’m talking about 30fps or 15fps for seconds or for minutes, well, using a trigger chain for that would be, let’s say, hard.
This is just one trigger and blocks, which just enable you to make thousands of frames and really high-quality stuff.

Yeah. If there was a way to make an object respond to more than one channel broadcast WITHOUT HAVING TO DUPLICATE IT, that would be great. Or just remove the block limit