Im posting this on december 1st. thats my dead line. so if yall have any ideas im all ears
What ideas do you need? What features have you already added? This will help community members answer your question more specifically and effectively.
Teleporters, secret rooms, and upgrades would be a great addition.
Maybe you could have a bookshelf open when you click an invisible button.
No codesharing, it’s like the number one rule that gets broken! If you want to share codes, use the wix site.
And welcome to the forums, @OnlyPanda ! They’re pretty neat. Read the TOS and community guidelines, you’ll get a badge!
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Anyways you should do the things I said earlier.
A very neat one. Except nobody told me about I had to look myself.
that was an idea a friend gave me but i didnt know how. he helped me make it so its already there
please…search…before posting…
Hello everyone! Blizzy here! Today I will show you how to make Hide and Seek, a game I am sure you have played before.
The Seeker Picker This text will be hidden
First of all, set Map Options: Teams: Cooperative
Now, we will make a contraption to pick a seeker, with Team 1 being the Hiders, and Team 2 being the Seeker. Remember, you will have to go to Settings: Map Options: and select 2 Teams. Now place a Lifecycle Device and a Relay Device. Wire the Lifecycle to the Relay. Now, open the setti…
First add props to hide behind
2.Then add a tag zone and put the settings like this.
And that’s it.
Hello, Gimkit Community! In this guide I’ll walk you through the steps of making a tag/hide and seek game. There are many parts in a tag game, and this guide is the first of many that I’ll make. This guide will cover how to set teams and set the tagging team.
Step 1. Choose a theme and make a basic ‘lobby’.
Step 1A. Choose a theme. Make sure to look at different types of available terrains and props that will make your game look more realistic. That means that you shouldn’t choose a theme that…
Hello, Gimkit Community! I’m bluey_rosa and here’s a second version of my Tag-and-Hide-And-Seek Guide! If you have not read that guide, you might want to now: Tag Guide Part 1
Or if you already have a lobby you made yourself or using another guide, you can use that too, as long as you have one or more tag zones!
Note: I used the standard and easy method of assigning tag teams, Method 1 in my guide. If you used a random version, don’t worry-yours may look a bit different, but it’ll do the same …
Hello. Gimkit people and this is part 3 of my Tag/Hide-And-Seek Guide! If you haven’t already, go to these guides:
unless you have your own!
If you remember, I’m making a medieval-themed game.
Step 1. Teleport to Arena
1A 1A. Go into the till-game counter and set the target value on and to zero.
<a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="https…
Tag- Transferrable tag with two taggers
First, we’ll need to…
Select our starting taggers…
We need to select the starting taggers for the beginning of the game. Our tag zone lets team two tag, so we’ll switch to players to that team. I will use a lifecycle device to track the game start and a relay to select a random player. Next, I’ll need to use that relay to trigger a team switcher (for team 2, tagger). Finally, I’ll use a property to track the name of the player who is it so it’s easy to k…
ive seen all of those. very useful
thx tho
Take Inspiration from other maps.
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Also, as a heads up, new users can only post a limited amount in their first day. So if needed, edit previous posts to speak.
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Thx for all the help on my first day here guys/girls.
I think you should have a lot of props that people can hide behind. you can also make them small enough that players can’t fully hide behind so that there’s a little bit of them poking out behind it.
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try and remake the CTF map but rework it for hide and seek
im not sure i can do that. not alone at least