How to make turn-based combat [@Coral]

@twofoursixeight let me @Coral edit this guide, because it is/used to be a WIP but I was/am TL1 so it wouldn’t work, to clear confusion, this @Coral (me) 's guide! *This guide continues from my levels guide, read that first!


Make 4 properties, these 2 should start at 100
These 2 should start at 0

Now place down 2 triggers, 1 by the sentry, and 1 by where the player will spawn, place down 2 text boxes, 1 by the player and 1 by the enemy. Now add 1 button, you product should look like:

now, wire the button to the player’s trigger, so that when the butto

n is pressed, it triggers. Make the trigger’s block code on when triggered, and make the block code:

Now go into the sentry’s trigger, make the block code:

I know I know, Lots of block code! But it will be worth it! Now go into the text box by the player, and make it’s block code:
Now go into the sentry’s text box and make the block code:
Ok, now for the tricky part, (for me!) wires! (I literally had to restart this because I suck at explaining wires lol!) So now, even more images! First, place a wire repeater, with a delay of about 3 seconds, wire it so that the player’s trigger, when triggered, sends a pulse, now when the repeater receives a pulse, trigger the sentry’s trigger.
Go into the button’s settings, make them this:

Now wire the button, so that when it is pressed, it trigger’s the player’s trigger.
Now this is the part that ruined it all so be careful . Make it so that when the player’s trigger is triggered, it runs a wire pulse on the sentry’s text, and when the sentry’s trigger is triggered, it runs wire pulse on the player’s text. That is the basics!
but what is a guide without a little:


Ok, Let’s say that you want the player to be able to buy some upgrades that last for 1 turn each! For example, if you buy a blue key card for 1 cash, you do 3 extra damage! Wellll, that is actually VERY easy to do. Just add a vending machine that transmits on a channel, make it transmit on basic. Now add a trigger that triggers on basic. Make the block code:

I will make a guide with additional things you can do with this, such as different types, or different moves, or different party members, with unique types! Here is that
Insert future guide in one box here

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can i help? with grammar and stuff like that


I just made this because @Coral tried to make a community guide at TL1. Try asking them.

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Sure, just don’t do anything, I (twofoursixeight) allow you to fix grammar/ punctuation



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I would ask to help (if I knew anything about this)


@twofoursixeight when I finish, do I delete this post, and post it on my acc. ? Or do I leave it as is? ( Not done Yet)


I will turn off the wiki after you are done with wiki edits.

Ok I will tell you when I finish (maybe in a week?)


Can you explain more? I don’t understand


It won’t be able to be edited by others after this time.

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Ok thanks and dose this make me the owner of this wiki? Or are you in control of it?


I am in control of it, so just tell me when you want the wiki to be over or remove the tag when done,

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Nice guide so far! Since you’re already working on this, I might delay this to the weekend or something since I’m pretty busy with stuff. Sorry for the inconvenience :sweat_smile:


I am personally very excited to see the 2 systems. I don’t know if it would be off topic, but I could make a post on the advantages/disadvantage compared to each othe


Yeah, I think I will make different attacks and weakness/resistance, 1 thing is, the arena can easily be used for 10+ enemies! Different attacks seem easy, I’m still thinking how would weak/reas would work


I think with different attacks some could be better against certain enemies, I’ll have 3 types in my game, (I swear it makes sense) Gods, Monsters, and corrupt demigods


No I should apologize, I just realized that you asked to go first… I am sorry. :coral:


Can you tell me the type matchups?


So basically my attacks are water, fire, and lightning (like the Greek gods) The main characters will have these traits. Fire is strong against demigods, but weak against monsters. Lightning is strong against monsters, but nobody is weak to it, it is neutral to all, (but this has a stamina thingy) Gods have a random chance of being immune/strong against all types of attacks! (I know it is confusing, and I will have to find a way to make it work for the sentries attacking the player!)