How to make a melee weapon (Kind of?)

You can’t take away health with it, yet

Health granter

My bad my bad, I have stuck to an alternate health system, so I don’t really use weapons/health related devcices.


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What is this system?

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Ive had this for a while

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Ohhh I thought you meant you had a different fps damage mechanic

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No No, With this system I can make a smooth sword attack, or any animation can be an attack, so no more awkward lasers

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How do you do the animation?

Uhh, like for example, I make a sword emoji move with trigger delays and text

Somebody else did this too

Oh yeah, I remember that

Idea for make melee weapons with health:

  1. Go to your tag device and turn of respawn player
  2. Make a property called “Health”
  3. Wire (or use channels) the tag zone to a trigger so when player gets tagged, trigger
  4. Run some block code in the trigger
If   | get property (Health) = 0             | then
Do   | Broadcast message on channel (respawn)
     | Set property (Health) 
       Value: 100
Else | Set property (Health)
       Value: get property (Health) - 10
  1. Have a force respawn that runs on channel “respawn”

That’s it! Ten lives!

This is sort of like what I did for the player/enemy health

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Just without the tag zone? Also, you could use items to represent health if you want.

I made a text maybe I’ll add a text overlay, I linked it so that a button will run code, that decrements a different self-made health system

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Nice! Now let’s stop, this is getting off-topic from the original guide.

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this is very smart!!!
it’s a similar mechanism to the one used in my among us killing system guide

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I didnt relize you had a similar system, should I credit you?

Nice job!