How to make a Shop for shields and weapons

In today’s guide we will make a Shop that can give a shield and pewpew depending on how much cash you have.

devices needed
-5 Popup
-4 Vending Machine
-2 Game Overlay
-2 Health Granter

First, place down a game overlay having these features

Then, place another game overlay having these features to track the cash you have so you don’t have to look in your inventory.

Now you can place a pop-up that has these selected features and call to action

Place down another pop-up but for the pewpew shop having these features and call to action

Now place down a vending machine to buy pewpew having these features and channel

And make sure to do the same thing with the other pewpew and make sure to change the item granter to snowball launcher and change channel to give snowball launcher and you can have any pewpew you don’t have to have the same pewpew has me or the same price.

Now for the health granter place down a pop-up and put these features and call to action

Place down a vending machine and have it to these features

now place down a health granter and have it to these features

and now you can do the same things with the heavy shield and make sure to go to map options
and go to health and shields and put starting shield 0%


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bread shop :3


Also, this can simply be done by placing a vending machine and having some kind of system in the game to earn the currency to buy things from the vending machine.
This is still good though.ig


I fix the mistake ty and ya you can

oh boy a store! goes there ALRIGHT GIMME ALL YOUR HEALTH PACKS

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95% of the forums is asleep! i’d reccomend getting back on in the mornings!

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Depends on the time zone I suppose

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Alot (not all)of the forum are divided into 2/3 timezones i believe, because most of us speak english…

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all though I feel there was many guides for this

Great guide and :tada: welcome to the forums @Breadirl :tada:


@Breadirl when you wake up and get on ehre is a message:
Welcome to the forums! Please note that padlets aren’t allowed. There are many places for you to look at but lets start with the BASICSSSS. NUMBER 1 this is not a chatroom. NUMBER 2 stay on topic. Staying on topic means you dont say things unrelated to GKC (gimkit creative). NUMBER 3 respect your elders. Though they can sometimes be wrong 99% f the time they are right. NUMBER 4 Blackhole is a moderator, you can ping him if you need to close YOUR topic. Do not spam ping blackhole for no reason because he is human too. NUMBER 5 we are all humanstreat us like you would treat yourself. NUMBER 6 here are some links to look at.


FORMATTING: [Markdown Reference]

yes i did link alot of post but it to help you get a good understanding


I do apologize for my mistake and will read all these links you have sent me!

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The links are just to help you get a better understanding of the forums, all the way from rules, to formatting

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hey, I hope I don’t come off as rude, but this guide really is not needed. There are countless guides for shops just like this one.

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Yes, there are a lot of these guides so do you feel like I need to remove this guide?

It is true that this guide has been done but i do not feel the need to remove it.

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Maybe we can learn from this guide and next time do our reasearch

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Because learning from our mistakes is very important

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Be sure to search for your question before starting a new topic, it may have an answer already!
- from that blue banner


@One-Thousand-Stars Actually, most of us are in the EST and MST Timezones. I think.

@Breadirl I get that this is your first post/guide, but @harharharhar83 is right; please search before you post to avoid clutter.


Back on-topic please.

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