How to Make a "Seconds Survived" Leaderboard Like Snowy Survival đźź©

This is a guide on how to make a seconds survived leaderboard in GKC! This is mainly for @FersionSpeedy, but anyone can use it too (obviously!) Let’s get started! If you are making a Snowy Survival type game then click on the first “Tracking Seconds”, but if you just want a seconds survived leaderboard for tag or elimination or something, use the second “Tracking Seconds”

Leaderboard Setup

Copy these exact settings into your Map Options settings

You’re done!

Knocking Out Players

x1 Lifecycle
x1 Team Switcher

Step 1: Change the settings in the Lifecycle to “Player Knocked Out”

Step 2: Change the settings in the Team Switcher to Team 2(Infected) or Spectators based off of what game you are making

Step 3: Wire the Lifecycle to the Team Switcher and you’re done!

(Snowy Survival) Tracking Seconds

x2 Lifecycle
x1 Relay
x1 Trigger
x1 Repeater
x1 Item Granter

Step 1: Change the settings in the Relay to “Single Player On Each Team”

Step 2: Change the second Lifecycle to “Player Knocked Out”

Step 3: Change the Task Interval of the Repeater to 1, and the Stop Strategy to “After Receiving On Channel”

Step 4: In the second Lifecycle, make it broadcast on StopRepeater

Step 5: Make the Repeater stop when receiving on “StopRepeater”

Step 6: Make the Item Granter grant 1 Banana

Step 7: Now wire them all together starting from the first Lifecycle to the Relay with the wires, Event Occurs >>> Trigger Relay
Step 8: Wire the Relay to the Repeater with the wires, Relay Trigger >>> Start Repeater
Step 9: Wire the Repeater to the Item Granter with the wires, Repeater Runs Task >>> Grant Item
And when you’re done, it should look something like this!

(Other) Tracking Seconds

x2 Lifecycle
x1 Trigger
x1 Repeater
x1 Item Granter

Step 1: Change the scope in the Trigger to Player

Step 2: Change the second Lifecycle to “Player Knocked Out”

Step 3: Change the Task Interval of the Repeater to 1, and the Stop Strategy to “After Receiving On Channel”

Step 4: In the second Lifecycle, make it broadcast on StopRepeater

Step 5: Make the Repeater stop when receiving on “StopRepeater”

Step 6: Make the Item Granter grant 1 Banana

Step 7: Now wire them all together starting from the first Lifecycle to the Trigger with the wires, Event Occurs >>> Trigger
Step 8: Wire the Trigger to the Repeater with the wires, Triggered >>> Start Repeater
Step 9: Wire the Repeater to the Item Granter with the wires, Repeater Runs Task >>> Grant Item
And when you’re done, it should look something like this!

Also a quick note: I just realized that the Snowy Survival doesn’t work without a trigger, and i’m too lazy to write that because I spent like an hour on this guide and i’m really tired but basically, before wiring the relay to the repeater, you wire the relay to the the trigger with a scope of player and then wire the trigger to the repeater


Nice guide, but make sure in the title, it shows the emoji, not the words.
Also, hasn’t this already been made?


Hmm… sorry I thought this hasn’t been made because Fersion said he couldn’t find one, and also mine is different from those

How so?

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He uses banana’s instead


What @gimmaster12345 said

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Make sure to mention that they can choose any item and not just a banana.

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I know, but it is easier for new users or people looking to make games on gkc to copy the exact thing

nice guide, but like Gimsolver said…there’s already guides on this…

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I said this to GimSolver already

Yes. I know.


Try to search before actually posting… There’s too much of that already…

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@Blizzy I’m literally saying this to everybody at this point

I’m just REMINDING you! It’s a KIND REMINDER!!!


ok, ok , I get it :sob:

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This guide is not green in my opinion. (At least for me lol)

Mine seems to be broken. Does somebody know what happened?

Hey please don’t be mean. I also think there was a bit more stuff than that. Did you follow the guide perfectly?


Does the team-switcher life cycle have a player knocked out → switch to a spectator thing?


What do you mean? I’m not trying to be rude. And yes I’m pretty sure I followed the guide perfectly.