Halloween Hunt Help

I’m currently making a game called Halloween Hunt, but there’s some things I am trying to add.
I’m modeling it off of that typical generator-repair-to-escape-horror game, I’m just about finished, but missing a few things.

First, I want a waypoint to mark a point on the map where a player answered a question incorrectly (or at the least, mark that player), and disappear when they answer another question correctly.

Second, I’ve turned off respawn for the “survivors”(dubbed “Treaters”), so that when they are tagged by the Horror Character Figure(dubbed the “Trickster”), they won’t respawn. But, I want the game to check if all of the Treaters made it to a specific area, and when they do, the Treaters win, but if they were all tagged, then the Trickster wins.

Any ideas?

Try these guides, they should help give you ideas.


Welcome to the forum, @RandomVortexGuy!

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Welcome to the community @RandomVortexGuy!

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You gave him his own post to solve the same post.

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We don’t talk about that…


welcome to yes @RandomVortexGuy

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Use a Lifecycle to track when a player is knocked out, it sets the team to Spectator

Welcome to the forum!

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use a checker and a zone maybe?

lol forum AI hello bot

Appreciate you adding my guide!

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I think there is an option for when you get something wrong, which you could make it send on channel “Wrong” and have a waypoint activate on “wrong”.

I think that’s kinda a bit off-topic.

Welcome to the forums, @RandomVortexGuy
Make sure you check out new-user-must-read and forum-tips

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But how will I ensure that the game is keeping track of how many players have been tagged?

Welcome to the forum @RandomVortexGuy! Make sure to check out the new-user-must-read and forum-tips! Also make sure before you ask a questions :mag: you can search it!

Welcome to the forums, @RandomVortexGuy !

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Whilst they are interesting ideas for props that I may implement, they aren’t quite answers, sorry.

Ok, so what exactly are you wanting? I am one of the best designers on the forum, so I can custom make you something.

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I could help out as well.

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