Death Run Help :(

Ok 4 things I need ideas for my death run game mode, how to make a laser go on an interval, and how to make certain terrains deadly, and how to make people seperate into 1vs2-10.

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Welcome to the community, @Black!

Although, i don’t know what you are talking about. Try mention users like Anythinger, NavyCatZ, mysz.

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example: @Here_To_Help, @mysz

Sometimes they don’t get it.

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All of these are possible!

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Thanks Everyone! ill try to show yall if i did it right later

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Wait! I read wrong! Use @mysz’s guides instead of mine! I read teams instead of terrain, sorry!

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Welcome to the Gimkit Community! :raised_hands:


Its ok! Itll be like an extra reminder kinda


welcome to the community @Black!

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Hey um 1 more thing, is there a way to make sentries appear for like 5 seconds then dissapear?

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Yep! Use a counter and use a repeater. With wires (press Z), When button pressed, start repeater.
Repeater runs task, increment counter.

I’m too lazy to write more so you might have bugs.


Have them deactivate on start, a repeater that starts when you want the sentry to appear, it will increment a counter, when the counter reaches goal on 5, deactivate sentry.


ok i dont think my chrome book can do it for mebc my fps is terrible, do one of you think you can do the Sentry and Laser parts? i have to go eat anyway… if yall cant its fine!

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You want us to go on your game and play and edit it? Just want to clarify.

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if u guys can, yes, but if not it’ll be fine i just need some help X(

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Welcome to the community!

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You can’t post codes here, but there is a wixsite! (Sadly I am not on it).

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i saw someone post a code earlier tho… um ok, i have discord if that helps? or a document?

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Some people have discord, so someone might be able to help!

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It’s better for you to do it, since it gives you a better learning experience. If you have trouble, we’re @Here_to_help !