Can you make a gimkit chat?

I think there should be a gimkit chat so others can talk to each other in gimkit beacuse we cannot communicate to each other when we play.


yes you can. their are some guides for it if you search it up.

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Welcome to the Forums @AJiscoolBoI727

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I will find you a few guides

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oh i did not know that

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that was the one I use all the time. :slight_smile:


ok thanks for the help guys

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Here are a few guides I found


Now to prevent unwanted off topic chats in the bottom corner of a reply mark a solution to the reply that helped you the most!


(post deleted by author)

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you know u cant send game codes, its against the rules… @AJiscoolBoI727

oh i did not know sorry

you should probably delete that mssg, you don’t want to get flagged, also mark one of them a solution bc they did help you.

I changed the message

okay good, mark @leo_flowers or @Gim_3d msg as a solution to end this topic, we don’t want to get off-topic

If you want to talk with people in the gimkit community outside of a game you can use a padlet or a wix

You can make a gimkit chat, but it’s pre-written messages. You can’t make a free chat.
Or can you? nothing is gimpossible

Well I mean you could
get not impossibled

nothing is gimpossible