Battle Royale Chests and Storm

Hello, this is my first gimkit create map I am making with my friends. I am making a battle royale like Fortnite and I have a couple of questions on how to do a few things

  1. I have made chests but they give you certain items every time. I want to make it randomized with one weapon and a heal each chest. With each weapon, there is a certain ammo type needed so the same type of ammo for the weapon that is given is needed as well.

  2. In Fortnite, there is also a storm that starts to close in to make players fight and if you are in the storm you take damage and I am wondering how to do that.

  3. I also have a "loot island’ where after 2 storm sections it will appear. There will be a teleporter in the middle which will teleport you to some legendary chests. Im wondering how to make the teleporter appear after the 2 storm.

  4. Lastly, I have made it that if you die, you become a spectator. I am wondering how to end the game if there is only one player left in the game.

Thank you to anyone who replies and have a great day.

Oh and also is there a way to make a player drop all of its items after s/he gets killed?

hi, have you seen the battle-royale tag yet?

You can’t do that but you can make them drop one item on knockout.

Loot Crates:


Limited “Lives” system:

The Ultimate Guide To Battle Royale:

Resources For Them All:

Welcome to the forums! @Rithic!

Don’t forget to check out the new-user-must-read and forum-tips tag.

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful, posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative.

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If you need help with anything, just ask!

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Don’t forget to mark a solution if the guides helped, @Rithic!

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Ok look at these guides:

Remember to mark a soultion if it helped! Also welcome to forums @Rithic! Remember to read the community guidelines!

that’s a lot of links tbh. p.s. @Rithic be sure to check a solution!

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Welcome to the forum!

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Good luck, @Rithic
from creation to creator.

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Ok Thank you very much


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