Animatronic movement

A jump scare would probably amount to having a large prop above the player that suddenly activates. How it activates is a whole different story.


There should be something about that in these guides.

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There is something in there, not sure what else would be… But the animatronics aren’t really in either of them(ones that work well). but @SHLBFFS123 to just make animation, just fallow one of these guides after you make your custom prop character.


Here are some images of what I have right now

Basically, one would have to disappear when the other appears (I have 5

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Yep I already said that.

Is there any way I can randomize the time it takes?

ooh. my bad… :neutral_face: :neutral_face::neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

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ummmm… you gotta ask one of the legends at Gimkit


Have a input → triggerloop. In one of the triggers, have a random number be pulled. If the random number is equal to a number of your choice, then activate the next frame of the animation. If not, do nothing. The legend has arrived.


yes, you can use triggers in the animation and counters, maybe test if one of these guides would work.
How to make a quick easy randomizer(updated version) Or ClicClac’s got you covered.


Alright thanks. I’ll try that

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Oh shoot almost forgot. You need a delay in one of the two triggers so the recursive limit doesn’t stop the triggerloop.

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Wolf, it’s ClicClac. No space.


Also, is there any way I can make it move back to beginning if the player closes the door when it’s there

I have known you for over 7 months, and you just now correct me on that. Like really?

You need a property for the animation to show what frame it’s on, right? If you only want it to move back to the start when it’s at a certain frame, check when the door is opened if the property is equal to what it would be if the animation was in front of the door. If so, set the property to the lowest value it should have. (Ex: The animation is in front of the door on frame 4. When the door is opened, check if the animation property is equal to 4. If so, set the property to 1 [the lowest value and first frame of the animation]).

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Well, it is impossible to have a space in a username.

ooh! I’d like to j0in a dance!

I correct you on it every time it doesn’t match my actual username. We’ve been dancing this dance for almost seven months now. Please just spell my name right.