An In-Depth Guide on Numerical Pseudo-Teaming

So, you may have heard of pseudo-teaming as you were combing through the forums. If you don’t know what it is, use this:

This guide is to show you how a more streamlined version of pseudo-teaming (albeit clunky), how to switch pseudo-teams, and how to switch from regular teams to pseudo-teams.

Pseudo Teaming 2.0
It is my belief that numbers are always superior to categories. This is also the case with pseudo-teaming. Instead of using different items, you can use different amounts of items. This can preserve the team number as well, making pseudo-team to regular team conversions easier. However, there are certain drawbacks to this. This version is more susceptible to players dropping the item. There is a solution to this, but it is very bulky, and just plain miserable to work with. So, don’t use PT 2.0 (Pseudo-Teaming 2.0) when the game requires players to be able to drop items.

Switching PT’s
Switching PT 2.0’s are actually really easy. All you do is put this into an item granter’s blocks: Grant (Desired Team Number) - (Current Team Number). Voila! But, for switching regular PT’s, you have to have an item granter grant -1 of the old team’s item, and have another item granter grant +1 of the new team’s item.

Regular Teams to PT’s and Back
This is also really easy for PT 2.0’s. All you do is take away a really large amount of the item and then grant the [team number] amount of the item (in blocks of course). To switch back, broadcast on "Switch to Team " + [amount of item], using the convert to text block. Also, you have to have an item inventory manager connected to a property for the amount of item. We used concatenation there. Here is a guide on that:

Now, switching back to regular teams from regular PT’s is a nightmare if you have lots of teams. You have to have an if and else statement for each team, checking to see if the player has that item. To go to regular PT’s, you have to have an item granter for each pseudo-team, affordable on the small scale, but a nightmare when reaching 10 teams or more.

The Conclusion
Now, you have seen a new type of pseudo-teaming, and some guides on how to convert and switch PT’s. I am currently working on a hybrid pseudo-team type, one that uses both types of PT’s. I might not release that because it would be a nightmare to work with, but lets see! PT and PT 2.0 both have advantages and drawbacks, but they are both very excellent!

EDIT: We now call PT 2.0 Numerical Pseudo-Teaming, or NPT!


Nice guide! Love that you mentioned the previous guide!



This is excellent, however, I would call this new technique Iterative Psuedo Teaming, and the whole system put together with Classical Psuedo Teaming Expanded Psuedo Teaming.

Why iterative?

You’re using numbers instead of types of items, the most basic way to activate this is to have the number of items increment up by one using a trigger and a property, and it sounds cool. Numerical would also work.


It really has nothing to do with iterations… Maybe numerical pseudo-teaming?


We posted at the same time…

Why red?

It’s harder to access than CPT, and you said the difficulty was from 5 :orange_square: to 8 :red_square:.


Nice guide! Has this been added to the resources for hard guides?


I don’t think its that hard of a guide, but it might have some slightly hard concepts in it.

Should this guide be in the Challenging Resources?

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But again, I made it, so I might be biased.

I don’t think it should be called an in depth guide to psuedo teaming. You go more in-depth on the NPT version than the CPT version, mostly using CPT to show how NPT is more streamlined. However, you didn’t really look at the non-block side of EITHER PT, which makes CPT a lot more bearable to work with. TLDR: I think this is a guide about NPT, using CPT as a comparison, than a guide about BOTH PTs. We would need an “AUO Family” type post for that.


That makes sense.

Yeah, ok.

Why is this a PSA tag lol

I don’t know.