Battle Royale help

Make it a team map, every player at start on a seperate team. Then you need to allow players to j0in an alliance. When they do: j0in a team with a team switcher. Then if a player wants to leave it: go back to the team they were in. You can use properties to store the previous team.


Pseudo teams, regular teams, and math


I might try using pseudo teams.
I’ll leave this open in case someone comes up with a better solution.

Psuedo teams might be your best bet. Each item (or number of an item) represents a team, and if they have the item they can do certain things.

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Are there any good guides on that?

I made one a while ago. Here!

getrithekd also made one on his version of the tech. Here it is as well.

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Pseudo-teaming would probably be your best conclusion.

(hey, is it psuedo or pseudo?)

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Auto-correct tells me that it is spelled pseudo.


Team switchers are useful for alliances and stuff. You also have map options in your settings.

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yeah i got pseudo too

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But if people are pseudo-teaming and they shoot each other, won’t they still take damage?

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I would use pseudo-teaming. Even if they take damage, I’m pretty sure you can code it for them to take less damage.

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True probably. There is probably a way to fix that tho

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You could use pseudo-health to track their health. But then how would you track how much damage they took? Can we move this to a different post? I don’t want to get flagged.


That’s exactly what I was thinking!

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Sure lets do that I also don’t want to get flagged


There will be when the damage modifier comes out.


Don’t forget to mark a solution!

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I don’t think this is solved yet though.

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If it is, user must be offline

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