Battle Royale help

Don’t forget to mark a solution!

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I don’t think this is solved yet though.

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If it is, user must be offline

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You can set the map settings to teams :arrow_forward: (your amount) but you can’t leave a team

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You can make a neutral team and 4-5 alliance teams, then you can have team switchers located around the map. This allows people to switch their team to whatever alliance they want.

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Welcome to the forum @JWSALT!


Welcome to the forum @JWSALT!

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Welcome to the forum, @JWSALT !

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Welcome to the forum, @JWSALT!

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Welcome to the community @JWSALT!

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For an alliance system, you should use NPT. You can still damage your teammate though. I have an idea for betrayals and a system for betrayals.

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Ok. I will mark your post as a solution. Can you create a guide on this?

Maybe. I’ll see.

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