Map issue or smthing?

I assume so. If not, that would use a heck ton more memory!
(oop already answered sorry)

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Okay, there in lies your problem. Team switchers respawn you every time you switch teams.

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How do the roles work?


Yeah, it probably would. I took the easy way out–

Ohhh! So how do I let them switch teams without respawning?

Well you could use pseudo teams. This guide should help.


I will try it and mark a solution in the morning if it works! Thank you, @gimkit_h4ck3r !

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You can’t, but you could use the guide @gimkit_h4ck3r sent

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You can put down checkpoint devices so you respawn where you telepored


That would kinda work…

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I just realized that psuedo teams make you not be able to drop items… the players in my game have to do that… @gimkit_h4ck3r & @Blizzy

I personally think pseudo teams is the way to go.

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just place a check point next to the teleport
player teleport here > set checkpoint

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It think you could maybe use a combination of inventory item managers and item granters to fix that problem. maybe…


@tspentakota I think I have a solution:
Place a checkpoint ON THE TELEPORTER where you teleport →
Now you will respawn there
Do your Team Switch

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I have to go now, but I’ll try everything in the morning! Thanks everyone!

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Yes, my team switch, @Blizzy . Its a Murder Mystery 2 game

Oh… Why do you even need to teleport? Can’t you just use lifecycles?

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You vote for a map and then the one with the highest votes, you get teleported there.

Also, anyone know how to make a timer for the round? Cuz I need that-