Map issue or smthing?

You can’t, but you could use the guide @gimkit_h4ck3r sent

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You can put down checkpoint devices so you respawn where you telepored


That would kinda work…

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I just realized that psuedo teams make you not be able to drop items… the players in my game have to do that… @gimkit_h4ck3r & @Blizzy

I personally think pseudo teams is the way to go.

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just place a check point next to the teleport
player teleport here > set checkpoint

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It think you could maybe use a combination of inventory item managers and item granters to fix that problem. maybe…


@tspentakota I think I have a solution:
Place a checkpoint ON THE TELEPORTER where you teleport →
Now you will respawn there
Do your Team Switch

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I have to go now, but I’ll try everything in the morning! Thanks everyone!

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Yes, my team switch, @Blizzy . Its a Murder Mystery 2 game

Oh… Why do you even need to teleport? Can’t you just use lifecycles?

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You vote for a map and then the one with the highest votes, you get teleported there.

Also, anyone know how to make a timer for the round? Cuz I need that-

I have an idea for a new pseudo teaming method that allows you to drop items, but right now it’s theoretical. I came up with it just now.

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Just give roles on game start, put a zone that dis-allows shooting in the map choosing, teleport @tspentakota
@gimkit_h4ck3r You won’t need it, I think, if this works…


Alr, I got to go but if you write it here, I’ll def read it in the morning

Just use a Trigger Clock that increments a counter?

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That will work much better

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what the heck is a trigger clock-? (sry if that came out rude)

A Trigger that Triggers another Trigger that Triggers the previous one to create a loop.
(That’s a lot of Triggers in a sentence)
So you know the Repeater Counter Clock?
A Trigger Clock is basically that, the only difference is you have to connect both of the Triggers to the counter and both of the triggers to each other to make them loop compared to the Repeater where you just have to connect it once to the counter because it already loops on it’s own.
(A Wire Repeater clock is basically the same, it just has less settings that are similar to the Repeater and is more memory-efficient in animation)