Among Us Style Mode

I was curious if anyone knew, is it possible to make an Among-Us-style mode? I was thinking about making it so that one person is selected at random, and nobody knows who it is, and then the imposter has to go about and try to knock out everyone on the ship without it being known that it was them. Every three minutes an emergency meeting will be called to vote someone off the ship. The people knocked-out will become spectators. If the imposter is voted off, then the imposter loses, and everyone wins. If someone who is not an imposter gets voted off, they are forced to spectate.

There are many guides on this topic and here are some things that could help you (I do not take credit for any of these guides)


@Pickle-Person , Thank you so much!

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There are also things like this that could also help you with many smart people in this community (also not taking credit)

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Thanks, you’re the best!

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I didn’t do anything but share these but I’m glad I could help :sweat_smile:

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Also if you need any more info on Among Us you can search it in the top right and find some community-made guides

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The only part that people are still figuring out is the dead body report. (I think its still unsolved) But other than that, almost everything is able to be made in gimkit!!! =D

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Could you have the player drop an item when the die and if the item is picked up an emergency meeting is called?

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That is very smart! Let me check to see if this is possible!

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Yeah, I could do that.

Oh ok, can you let me know if it works? If it does, you should be set!

:+1:, I should be able to do this in a little bit. It’s the last day of school, so it’s nothing but gimkit today.


i did this:

When player knocked out.
Grant strawberry.
Make a max.
Then there is a checker.
Check if you have a strawberry.
Increment counter.
counter reaches 1
then teleport to meeting room.

Um…try not to try to solve old posts, as the last post was… 7 MONTHS AGO!!!

(biggest bump guys?)


Don’t forget to mark a solution! There are lots of guides in the among-us tag that can help, but here’s the ultimite guide:

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I don’t think they’ll mark a solution. Their last post was almost 2 months ago. So no more replying.

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@Magenta_Dragon I thought it was worth a try. I checked the last time they posted and saw it was a while ago but was like “ah, whatever”


You can use the among-us tag for more guides. Remember to mark a solution if your problem is solved. :white_check_mark:
Also welcome to the forums @BaconBitz

Stop. This was all the way back in June.