Trigger-Relay-Relay interactions

That sounds like a cringy lyric… :skull:

Yes, and then it picks a random player from everybody else.

:skull: I understand now, and uh…

For each person, that gets broadcasted to, another player will get picked. So, we get a normal distribution of probabilities for each person! Maybe useful on stat calculators?

Yeah, but we need 30 samples according to the central limit theorem, otherwise it’ll be more like a t-distribution (sorry if this is wrong i am extremely rusty on statistics)

I have like no experience too.

Don’t worry, I only know up like confidence intervals, standard error, and other probability distributions.

@here, if you haven’t already, please vote on this poll.

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I know 1 unit of basic 1-var stats! Yay!

Would it be useful if anyone made a guide to all the relay - relay interactions?

That should be in the device tug.

There are like 1024 possible combinations, so no.


if so, what would be their uses???

Maybe. Its still new, so we don’t know how useful it would be.

Relays just create subsets inside the set of all players, and iterated relays are unions and intersections that operate with these subsets.


Lol, I just found this. Good to know I opened up a whole realm of possibilities. Anything I can help with?


Sorry, like 256 possible combos, or 40320, idk.


Wait, how would we account for the duplications of the channel transmission??

Wdym there’s only 49 for two relays