Trigger-Relay-Relay interactions

Maybe, but idk. @ClicClac, what do you think?

Maybe, idk. Ask the community about it.

Should relay - relay interactions be a Clay - Institue?

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Obviously not! This should be @ClicClac Institute!


Wouldn’t the random player relay go to everybody, not just people on team B and C?

Remember, the interaction is DUPLICATED for each person receiving it.

Oh. I’m such an idiot.

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Eh. Its no big deal. I get confused all the time.

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Okay, so the host receives the relay, right?

If the random player is the host.

We are starting from the beginning. The host receives the relay from the lifecycle, right?

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Only the host.

Yes, the host triggers the lifecycle.

Now, it relays to all players on the host’s team, right?

So, yes.

So then for each player, does it relay to all other players?

After, this, it goes to everyone, since all people on team A transmit to all other people.


Yes, it goes to all players except people on team A, and picks a random player from those players, right?

No. Say we are on team A. I will transmit to you, and you will transmit to me, and we will transmit to everybody else.