Trigger-Relay-Relay interactions

I’m not sure this works, was it tested? Relaying for all other players includes players on the game host’s team.

No, it was purely hypothetical. Here’s the “idea”.

Gimkit is just a set of all non-spectator players called A.

Relay is an operator that operates in elements of A.

Elements can include teams, players, and more.

So, from A we retrieve the game host element.

Next, we retrieve all players on the team of the game host.

Now, we retrieve a random player from the complement of the set of all players on the team of the game host.

Now, we retrieve all players on the team of the random player from the complement of the set of all players on the team of the game host.

Finally, we do something for that team.

Yeah, but depending on how relays work it might not work

I updated the post above, that’s how it’s supposed to work.

Yeah, I understand how it’s supposed to work. But I think when we relay on a random player it just relays for a random player in the original set.

Wait, so if the complimentary system works, then all players would do nothing, correct?

What do you mean?

So, the way I understand, this is how it works. If we have random player → everyone else, it would chose everyone that is not the random player. If we have rendom player → all players, it would choose that random player. I can’t describe, but that is what my mind says.

Oh, very smart. I think that might work, however our conversation right now is purely hypothetical, so I suggest we should test things out.

Wait, but what if you do this:

All players → All other players. The all other players option basically returns the complement of our set, which is an empty set, so would that just do nothing?

__ Why? Just, why? Are you trying to break my brain here?

I tested, and it is completely random. The first random player is obviously random, but the next is also random. Several tests confirmed this.



Are you going to help us research?


I’ll work on the Relay-Relay interactions.

Since the “All other players” returns the complement of the set, you don’t really need to work on it.

Well, i just did All players to random player to all other players to all players to random player. I had it grant a gimberry again when the last relay is relayed, and i also wired the last relay to a counter to see how much it relayed. In game, it relayed 100 times, granted me 20 gimberries, an alt 20 gimberries, another alt 21 gimberries, another alt 20 gimberries, and the last alt 19 gimberries. Not sure if this is significant, just saying.

You can relay recurse? Also, you think this should be a clay-institute thing?