The Ultimate Guide To Abilities (COMMUNITY WIP)



I originally started making this in… Early April X_X
Some of this stuff might be referring to things in the past (idk for sure lol). Anyways, only TL2s+ and people I give permission to allowed to edit this for now. I hope to achieve almost ever single ability I, and the community can think of!


Some of these abilities have been made for specific purposes so if you need to modify them then do so. If you need help modifying them PLEASE do not post a reply asking for answers in this topic and make a new topic instead. If you have NEW ability ideas (not new methods for creating already listed abilities) then feel free to reply or edit the wiki. Thanks for reading this note! :smiley:

Update Note

I didn’t take the time to put pictures in yet because I wanted to get a layout of the guide so pictures will come as soon as I can put them in! Also, idk why but it was bothering me js having it in drafts all the time. If you learn visually and want to use this guide then I am very sorry. :frowning: Thank you for your patience! :wink:

Superpowers. A classic for imagination. Here in Gimkit Creative there is no such thing as superpowers. That’s why we create Abilities. If you don’t know what an ability is then let me, (I mean Wikipedia lol), explain it for you.

Ability: Abilities are powers an agent has to perform various actions.

There are SO many requests for ability ideas and/or how to create certain ability mechanics. This guide will put an end to all these troubles! (This guide contains other guides so cheers to the creators of the guides used in this ultimate guide).

First let’s discuss the uses of abilities.


The main use of abilities would be in PVP (Player versus Player).

Note: At the moment, none of the abilities listed in this guide will affect sentries because sentry’s only purpose is to shoot and take damage and relays, what most abilities will use, do not affect sentries.

  • Battle Royales

  • Battleground Games

  • Boss Fights (NO Sentries/Player as Boss)

  • Reply with other ideas.

Guide Legend

The way I write when telling people how to make things in Gimkit is not something everyone understands I think so this is here.

() = Anything in the parentheses is a quick way to say a configured setting. Ex. Wire Repeater (5 sec delay) or Lifecycle (Player KOed).

[ - ] = Anything in the brackets is wiring or channels. Ex. [Event Occurs → Repeat Wire Pulse].

ABILITIES :fire: :

Stun | Difficulty 2/10

:zap: Stun or Paralyzation. In GKC it would be, the ability to stop a player’s motion for a certain amount of time. Currently there are 2 ways to do this.

Method 1

Devices Needed:

x1 Lifecycle

x2 Relay

x1 Overlay

x2 Wire Repeater

x2 Speed Modifiers


First, take your life cycle (on game start) and wire it to one of your relays (All Players on Specific Team (Team X {x = team with stun ability})). [Event Occurs → Trigger Relay]. Wire the relay to the overlay (button, text: stun, invisible on game start, visibility scope: player). [Relay triggered → Show Overlay]. For the game overlay, there will be lots of wires! Wire the game overlay to one of the wire repeaters (delay = ability cooldown time. I will use 10 seconds) [button pressed → repeat wire pulse] and wire the wire repeater back to the game overlay [wire pulse repeated → show overlay]. Now, channels will be involved. Game Overlay: [When button clicked, transmit on “hide.” Hide overlay when receiving on “hide.”] This will hide the overlay when it is clicked. Back to wires! Wire your overlay to your 2ND relay (All Other Players) [button pressed → trigger relay]. Connect the 2nd relay to one of the speed modifiers (speed: 0.0) [relay triggered → set player to configured speed]. Connect the 2nd relay to your LAST wire repeater (delay = amount of time players are stunned. I will use 1.5 seconds) [relay triggered → repeat wire pulse]. LAST STEP :partying_face: , Wire the final wire repeater to the 2nd speed modifier (speed: 1.0) [wire pulse repeated → set player to configured speed]. And there you have it! A simple-ish stun system with no blocks! This is just for FFA games so if you want to make it a team ability then follow the modification below!

Team Modification:

Extra Devices = x1 Relay.

For this all you have to do is wire the game overlay to the new relay (all players on my team) [button pressed → trigger relay] and connect the new relay to the already placed speed modifier set to 1.0 speed [relay triggered → set player to configured speed]. Boom! :exploding_head: Ez.

Method 2

This was a guide created by Getrithekd:

How to Make a Buyable Stun

Healing Regen | Difficulty 3/10

:heart: Constant Healing/Regeneration is the ability to get health at certain points in time or constantly. This is basically going to be the same thing as the stun, at the start, (for the guide I’m making) but there will be other guides attached that will show different variations (not using overlay).

Method 1


x1 Lifecycle

x1 Relay

x1 Overlay

x3 Wire Repeater

x1 Health/Shield Granter

x1 Counter (count scope: player, target value: 5)

x1 Trigger


First, take your life cycle (on game start) and wire it to one of your relays (All Players on Specific Team (Team X {x = team with regen ability})). [Event Occurs → Trigger Relay]. Wire the relay to the overlay (button, text: regen, invisible on game start, visibility scope: player). [Relay triggered → Show Overlay]. For the game overlay, there will be “lots” of wires! Wire the game overlay to one of the wire repeaters (delay = ability cooldown time. I will use 25 seconds) [button pressed → repeat wire pulse] and wire the wire repeater back to the game overlay [wire pulse repeated → show overlay]. Now, channels will be involved. Game Overlay: [When button clicked, transmit on “hide.” Hide overlay when receiving on “hide.”] This will hide the overlay when it is clicked. Back to wires! Connect the overlay to the health granter (settings are your choice. I’m using health, then shield with +25 (per second)). Only 15 more wires left! Other Wires: [overlay pressed → relay wire repeater #2 pulse (1 sec delay)] [overlay pressed → increment counter] [wire repeater pulse received → trigger trigger] [trigger triggered → repeat wire pulse] [trigger triggered → grant health] [trigger triggered → increment counter] [counter target value reached → deactivate trigger] [counter target value reached → repeat wire repeater(0.0 sec) pulse] [wire repeater pulse received → reset counter] Easy Peasy! (For some people at least lol). I’m sorry :cry: I made the system and the wires confuzzled me.

Method 2

Simple Guide: Health Regeneration

Method 3

How to make regenerating health 🟩; CHECK REPLY 38 WHEN USING THIS GUIDE

Method 4

How to make Mega Speed Regenerating Health | Difficulty 🟦 or 1/10

Damage Boost | Difficulty 1/10

:crossed_swords:Damage Boost - Multiplying the amount of damage done by a player(s). I may or may not just copy and paste the stun because they are just the same system…

Method 1

I may or may not just copy and paste for my convenience…

Devices Needed:

x1 Lifecycle

x1 Relay

x1 Overlay

x2 Wire Repeater

x1 Damage Boost Devices


First, take your life cycle (on game start) and wire it to one of your relays (All Players on Specific Team (Team X {x = team with regen ability})). [Event Occurs → Trigger Relay]. Wire the relay to the overlay (button, text: damage boost, invisible on game start, visibility scope: player). [Relay triggered → Show Overlay]. Wire the game overlay to one of the wire repeaters (delay = ability cooldown time. I will use 15 seconds) [button pressed → repeat wire pulse] and wire the wire repeater back to the game overlay [wire pulse repeated → show overlay]. Now, channels will be involved. Game Overlay: [When button pressed, transmit on “hide.” Hide overlay when receiving on “hide.”] This will hide the overlay when it is clicked. Back to wires! Wire your overlay to one of the damage boosts (damage: 2x, boost duration: 30 seconds) [relay triggered → activate damage boost]. That’s it! :confetti_ball:

EXP System+ | Difficulty

In this section you will find: A guide on creating an In-Game exp system and the exp system giving you skill points to upgrade abilities.

Exp System Guide:

Note: You don’t have to use sentries for xp. You can also use substitute loops instead of repeaters.

Exp System Modification: Do you want the level up exp requirement to get larger the more levels a player has? You just need to get a new property (name: requirement, type: number, scope: player, Default Value: 100) edit the block code for the looped trigger (the trigger that’s connected to the loop).

Since the Exp System guide made by Coral has the illusion of getting stronger in it you can use that. You can also use

Skill Points:

Method 1

First, plot out your skill tree in a notebook (my personal favorite) or somewhere else. Once you have that down, get a bunch of popups because they will be the options.

Hope fully this doesn’t get flagged or anything but TL2s will be able to edit sooner or later (nothing is stopping you but I guess I have to trust). Please no griefing; I swear I have PTSD from this stuff (wikis and gkc). Welp, I’ll leave it up to you peeps to finish this up, although I will probably finish the EXP System+ Method 1.

Other Guides Like This

THEHACKERIAN way into making Special Abilities

Are you editing? TL2+ Only or Permission (pls)


This is a great guide and it might help me in my other maps!

Great guide!
I am a such a fast reader lol


I’ve been waiting for somebody to do this!

I can see that.

not me going on here for 5 mins and finding exactly what I needed
amazing ( I’m so glad that this has exp system )

why did I just realize that ur pfp is gojo


May I move this to the top and put in quote format for everyone to know easier?

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I think you might want to remove that Tl3+ thing, because there’s a whole lot of users that don’t have the time to maintain the role, but are still very skilled at GKC. Maybe have a part that says to ask for consent to edit.

Since I’m not Tl3… can someone add a part explaining the use of keybindings and how they could help in this situation?


Wait I can use the Exp for my tennis map so you can like run faster or stuff!

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Maybe do this: TL3’s can edit anytime they want. TL2 and lower needs to ask.

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That’s what most og users do because they know TL3’s can be trusted

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It’ll take me a long time to get TL3 because of how long ago I made my account and how recent I started going on the forums :smiling_face_with_tear:

unless I make an alt account but I don’t remember if alts are permitted. . .

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They aren’t, sorry.

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I made it so you can edit if you are TL2 as well! And/or if I give permission to lower than TL2.


I don’t think tl1 can edit wiki’s at all


Preach, brother, preach. I have ideas too. : )
Also congrats on Regular @Kosm0-o, hope you can still see your old pal Spamton '83 from your high, high perch.




I actidentally clicked the check while reading replies I did not add anything- (so sorry)


Please stop checking the checklist without doing any other edits that improve the guide!


*There’s been like 6 checklist changes and that’s it.

# Please stop checking the checklist without doing any other edits that improve the guide!

*There's been like 6 checklist changes and that's it.

Please do not use the @here mention on the forum.

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