[📜] The Ultimate Guide for EVERY WEAPON (2.0)

The original guide got over 3k views, but it’s not as good as I want it to be. Here’s the second version of the Ultimate Guide for Every Weapon!

If anyone is wondering what’s different, here’s a list of what is/will be new:

  • it look nice
  • tell you how to fight
  • type of ammo
  • make more sense
  • pengwin

Stat Information:

Here’s everything you need to know about the stats / situations in this guide:

Name Description
Damage How much damage the weapon does (for each rarity)
Range How far the weapon can shoot until the bullet despawns (short, medium, long)
Speed How fast the projectile goes (tiles per second)
Ammo How much ammo the weapon has (for each rarity if necessary)
Bullet The type of ammo the weapon uses (light, medium, heavy, snowball)
Reload (Speed) How long it takes for the weapon to reload (in seconds)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Situation Ratings - A, B, C, D, F
Short Range Rapid Combat within ~4 tiles (usually rapid-paced, lots of movement)
Long Range Combat within ~8 tiles (usually slow, lots of waiting behind walls)
Ambush Surprise Combat (at a disadvantage, Solo vs Group)
Solo Player vs Player (no outside interference, Solo vs Solo)
Group Multiple Players (faster pace, Group vs Group)

Here’s the best weapon according to all of the stats:

Stat / Situation Best Weapon
Damage Quantum Portal
Speed Blaster
Ammo Blaster / Wooden Wand
Reload Evil Eye / Quantum Portal / Snowball Launcher / PML
Short Range Blaster / Wooden Wand
Long Range Slingshot
Ambush Evil Eye / Quantum Portal / Snowball Launcher / Wooden Wand / Blaster
Solo Blaster / Wooden Wand
Group Snowball Launcher / Slingshot




The zapper is the main weapon in Gimkit. It serves as the basis for all weapons and is usually the first weapon you come across when you start playing Gimkit.

Stat Value
Damage 14, 16, 18, 20, 22
Range Short Range
Speed 6 TPS
Ammo 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
Bullet Light Shards
Reload 1 Second
Short Range B - Low speed and damage results in less effectiveness
Long Range F - Low range results in no possible damage
Ambush D - Low speed and damage results in less effectiveness
Solo C - Only effective against other zappers
Group B - Works well as a support unit

Evil Eye

Evil Eye

The Evil Eye is a modified version of the zapper, as shown in the artwork above. This weapon is found in One Way Out, and is one of the best weapons in the game. It is the 2nd most damaging weapon in the game, whilst keeping a relatively fair travel speed.

Stat Value
Damage 72, 80, 88, 96, 104
Range Long Range
Speed 6 TPS
Ammo 4
Bullet Heavy Shards
Reload 4 Seconds
Short Range C - Low ammo and reload speed results in less effectiveness
Long Range A - Long range and high damage allows more damage on contact
Ambush B - Causes ~300-400 damage before all ammo is used up
Solo C - Low ammo and reload speed results in less effectiveness
Group A - Works well as a heavy unit. Can deal lots of damage before death



The PML, or Portable Muffin Launcher, is one of the most disliked weapons in Gimkit (Based on a community poll). This weapon is also found in One Way Out. Surprisingly enough, it’s not that bad.

Stat Value
Damage 44, 51, 58, 65, 72
Range Long Range
Speed 6 TPS
Ammo 12
Bullet Medium Shards
Reload 4 Seconds
Short Range B - Because of its high reload time, it isn’t as effective as it could be
Long Range B - Because of its low damage, it isn’t as effective as it could be
Ambush D - Low speed and damage results in less effectiveness
Solo B - Because of its high reload time, it isn’t as effective as it could be
Group C - It’s set up to be a heavy unit, but doesn’t deal enough damage



The slingshot might be the most underrated weapon in Gimkit. The slingshot can be found in One Way Out, and deals enough damage to kill your opponent in 2 hits. The weapon used to be the fastest weapon in the game, traveling twice as fast as a zapper, until the blaster was added.

Stat Value
Damage 60, 66, 72, 78, 84
Range Medium Range
Speed 8 TPS
Ammo 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Bullet Medium Shards
Reload 4 Seconds
Short Range C - Low ammo and reload speed results in less effectiveness
Long Range A - Due to its fast speed, it’s hard to dodge. It also can go a reasonable distance
Ambush C - Low ammo and damage results in less effectiveness
Solo C - Low ammo and reload speed results in less effectiveness
Group A - Works incredibly well as a sharpshooter unit

Quantum Portal

Quantum Portal

The Quantum Portal is probably the best short-range weapon in Gimkit. For comparison, the legendary Evil Eye deals 104 damage. The common Quantum Portal deals 184 damage. It is quite easy to dodge, though.

Stat Value
Damage 184, 196, 208, 220, 232
Range Long Range
Speed 4 TPS
Ammo 1
Bullet Heavy Shards
Reload 1 Second
Short Range B - If you can hit your opponent, it is quite effective
Long Range F - Incredibly easy to dodge
Ambush B - In chaotic environments, you may be able to damage a few opponents
Solo D - Easy to dodge, less targets
Group B - Good in crowds

Snowball Launcher

Snowball Launcher

The Snowball Launcher used to be only weapon in Gimkit that wasn’t in One Way Out, until it was added in. The weapon is featured in all of the snowy minigames, and is commonly related to a machine gun.

Stat Value
Damage 28, 30, 32, 34, 36
Range Medium Range
Speed 6 TPS
Ammo 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
Bullet Snowballs
Reload 1 Second
Short Range B - Lots of ammo but low damage
Long Range D - Low damage hurts its score a lot
Ambush B - Can lay down lots of hits in a short period of time
Solo B - Lots of ammo but low damage
Group A - Works well as a sprayer unit

Wooden Wand


The Wooden Wand is not very popular among the Gimkit community. It’s just a stick really. Though, fun fact, you can get it in One Way Out by completing a secret mission!

Stat Value
Damage 20, 24, 28, 32, 36
Range Medium Range (Varies)
Speed 6 TPS
Ammo 22, 24, 26, 28
Bullet Medium Shards
Reload 3 Seconds
Short Range A - Lots of ammo and high fire rate allows lots of damage
Long Range D - Not a lot of damage
Ambush B - Can deal with many enemies at once
Solo A - Lots of ammo and high fire rate allows lots of damage
Group B - Works okay as a sprayer, not as good as snowball launcher



The Blaster is one of the most unique weapons in Gimkit. Although the version used in the Blastball gamemode does not deal any damage, the creative version does. It is the fastest weapon in Gimkit, overtaking the Slingshot.

Stat Value
Damage 20, 23, 26, 29, 32
Range Medium Range
Speed 10 TPS
Ammo 12, 16, 20, 24, 28
Bullet Medium Shards
Reload 2 Seconds
Short Range A - High ammo and speed allows lots of hits
Long Range C - Low damage but high speed
Ambush B - Allows lots of hits that are almost unavoidable
Solo A - High ammo and speed allows lots of hits
Group B - Similar to snowball launcher and wand


Gimkit offers a variety of weapons. From long range sharpshooters, to fast-paced sprayers, to high-damaging launchers, there’s so much to choose from, and there’s so many choices for you. I hope this guide helped you. This is the 2nd guide, and in the future there may be a third, but in the end, they all have the same goal… I don’t really know it yet. Here’s a poll!

Most Underated Weapons
  • Zapper
  • Evil Eye
  • PML
  • Slingshot
  • Quantum Portal
  • Snowball Launcher
  • Wooden Wand
  • Blaster
0 voters

Also, if you’re wondering why I made a second one, the forums doesn’t allow TL2s to edit posts after 30 days, so I couldn’t update the original. If any gimkit admins see this then pweese let me edit it.


Nice guide! 2.0 is always better.

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I can’t. After 30 days you can’t edit


This looks nice and organized, great work!

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Great Guide! New weapons added here will cool too, and it’s great for reference!

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Who flagged my post? It was not inappropriate. @Jeffo please change this.
Either someone is flag farming or they felt offended by the truth. But I didn’t say anything inappropriate.

Also, the Evil Eye has short range, not long.

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Actually the projectile doesn’t despawn for quite a while. It might have changed though. I just copied most of the data from the old post


@Haiasi, please show the past thing.

cool guide! i can’t imagine how long this took!

Blaster is going to become meta soon. You can hold it down like zapper, even faster than slingshot, faster reload than snowball launcher, and same damage.


lol what has gimkit done…

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This is what I wrote, how is this inappropriate?
How do I get the mods to change the flag?

I think the mods can probably do that, just message them

I totally understand getting flagged for things that other people post all the time


Thanks for bringing back this AWESOME TUG!! It’s super helpful to me b/c I’m making a
TF2-inspired game, and using different weapon stats and movement speeds as a form of establishing classes, and I don’t want to spend a super long time testing out each individual weapon. Just know, your efforts haven’t gone to waste!


I don’t think the snowball launcher is even underrated, and neither is the blaster.

Well done, @JoeTheChicken! A very informative guide, will be useful for many.

Well, it wasn’t inappropriate in a sense, just I think it may have been flagged because you insulted the creator of the guide tips hat to joe the chicken by calling it useless. Nobody likes being called useless. Still, undeserved. I’m not against you on that.

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Nice guide! I have a question, if I measured the distance the projectile flies in blocks, and the speed in blocks/second, could you add it? I probably won’t get around to it until Monday though…

Yeah I think I could add that