[šŸ“œ] The Ultimate Guide for EVERY WEAPON (check out the new version too!)

This guide is useful so lemme bring it back with this Bump

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Who doesnā€™t love slamming quantam portals into someone?
Also, bump

The zapper is the OG.

Bumpity Bump

@JoeTheChicken you need to update this, you need to add the blaster

@Pandapants2000 Hey! @JoeTheChicken couldnā€™t edit this anymore so he created a new version with the blaster and better descriptions.

thx @harharharhar83

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best way to start a tutorial, innit?

anyways, bumpity bumpity bump bump

I meanā€¦

Hi guys, welcome back, my name is DanTDM, and today!


You quantum portal and palm do not have infinite range. It is just very far. Change that please.

This is also an extremely old guide, it canā€™t be edited anymore.

Sorry, misclick. I was just looking back on the old days.


I havenā€™t seen you in so long!


Likewise. Life got a bit busier and it got colder outside, so I had to make some sacrifices for free time and time to play outside.


Thatā€™s totally fine! Itā€™s still nice to see you againā€¦ so much nostalgia haha.

I canā€™t believe the school year is about to wrap up. Itā€™s about that time thoughā€¦ does that make GKC almost a year old?
Wow. Time slips away really fast. One second you have it, the next you donā€™t. And you can never, ever have that second back.
I wish I could have stayed in these forums forever. It woulda been nice if I couldā€™ve held those moments until the day I passed. But now theyā€™re gone, forever gone.
Is that what youā€™re thinking too? Or did I misread nostalgiaā€¦ itā€™s a weird emotion.


Iā€™m just glad thereā€™s a new wave of future worldshakers and earthmovers that are starting here and growing their roots in such a lovely community.


Iā€™m just thinking of all the chaos and forum fun we had- the one thing that always comes back to me is the first post to reach 1,000 repliesā€¦ that help post from Lxmas that turned into a chat between the three of us. I canā€™t believe itā€™s actually almost been a year.

Yeah, you read the emotion correctly.


So much older, and yet weā€™re still so young. Yaā€™ll are great people, and Iā€™m lucky to have spent time with you and been a part of your story, however small that role is.


Likewise to you!

Iā€™m off to go sleep nowā€¦ itā€™s late and I have a test tomorrow. See you sometime!