New Project Being Created: Level Up! A Battle Game (Ideas)

maybe like at a normal place like scenery like and office, shops, medieval castle, doctors, mall, restaurant, café. places like that and then there are props to set the mood. I hope this helped :wink:

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Hello? Hello Hello?
So uh, for the battle arena, i plan it to be made of dark stone as the walls and dark scrapes for the floor. (Don’t worry i know what layering is)

Hello? Hello Hello?
So uh, for the battle arena, i plan it to be made of dark stone as the walls and dark scrapes for the floor. (Don’t worry i know what layering is)

Oh ok, well you could use different coloured stone or scraps or plastic or something to mark the two teams like in capture the flag and lots of props with collision off so you can hide

There is no two teams… Its a Free-For-All

Here is battle arena:

*Code Invalid
Anything i should add to this?

Hey can u rate my game

Am i aloud to give u a code to my game

Does THIS answer your question?

I made this not that good but i Tryed

Honestly, its more of a instruction picture than a thumbnail lol

You should add heaps of props with collision off, to hide behind in game. It will make it harder and more fun :smile:

This seems like a really good idea!

Just a suggestion: After leveling up, your weapon will upgrade, like for example start with Zapper then Blaster(I got confused), and so on. (It’s okay if you don’t want to)

Maybe use this guide?:

What the heck that is a downgrade :skull:

I got confused lol, my bad

Already published, there is no need to make a thumbnail as of now.

excuse me what? it says zappper then blaster you quoted wrong

He just edited it out.

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