The Mistian kill streak system ⎸Difficulty: 🟩

First place down a game overlay, and set overlay type to text, but don’t put anything in the text box, Then set visibility and content scope to player. Make sure it is not visible on game start, and make it show the overlay when receiving on the channel “KO overlay”. Next place down a knockout manager and set the knockouts it listens to is player. Now place down a property with the following settings:
Screenshot 2023-08-05 6.20.02 PM
Screenshot 2023-08-05 6.20.32 PM
Next go into your knockout manager’s blocks and do the following block code:
Screenshot 2023-08-05 6.21.58 PM
Now place down a lifecycle with the event it listens for is “player knocked out” not “knocks out”.
Now wire it to your overlay so that “event occurs → hide overlay”. Next place down a trigger next to the overlay and wire them together so that “event occurs → trigger”. Now go into the triggers block code and do get property: “KO”
value: 0
Screenshot 2023-08-05 6.28.28 PM
Now go into your overlay’s blocks and make it run when receiving on channel “prop”
Screenshot 2023-08-05 6.31.44 PM

Screenshot 2023-08-05 6.32.28 PM
Make sure there is a space after the colon in “Kill Streak:”
If you don’t want the overlay to disappear after you get knocked out, then delete the wire coming from the lifecycle to the overlay. This will make it so that when you respawn, you will see your kill streak reset as 0.
The finished product should look something like this:
Screenshot 2023-08-05 6.43.10 PM

After you’ve followed these steps, you should have a fully functioning Kill Streak System!
Thanks for reading, and Happy GimKitting!


Nice Guide! Just a future warning; try to be careful with your j0in codes, just in case.


oh my gosh i completely forgot about those! thanks for telling me! it’s not valid anymore anyways


You’re good. If you use a Chromebook like I do, I have a trick: Ctrl+shift+Overview Key
Once you do this, set it to the width of your screen, but keep it just below your joincode.
Since it saves, you won’t accidentally post your code.


okay, thanks!


Great guide, but again…why Mistian? No one else made it.

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mysz was working on one before me`, so i told him i’d name this 1 mistian


The power of the BUMP

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What does that mean I’m new to the forum

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Bump? Posts are sorted by activity so when you bump it you bring it to the top of the guide list.


Oooooooh bump sounds fun lol

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Remember to only bump posts that have been forgotten, not ones that were posted less than a week ago.

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That sounds about right


one month old BUMP

Edit: wait, only one month? It’s October!


Oops. This is a good guide.

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bump : P thanks for the guide

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Bump, this was a really good guide!

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Taking notes… definitely including this in my game.

