The art of details!

Here is a guide all about details, hope it help with your game!

                                                **What they do** 

Details can help make your game stand out from others by making them more appealing to the eye, imagine your making a game, and in that game you need to make a basketball court that the player has to play in which would you rather have (example):


This? , probably the latter right? I think added too many details :skull:
Anyways you get the point, details can help your game stand out and what not, but here’s the next question,

                                              **how do I add details?**

Ok this one is a kinda weird question ngl, bc half the forums (wait there’s thumbnail requests now nvm.)
Are filled with community guides that are helpful

Some cool guides for details:> def check that one ^ bit short but still nice guide :smiley: w guide ngl, still use it to this day. banger guide also continue of the banger :man_cook: :fire:

                                                        **Tips for details**

When adding details try to add natural things that blend in with the background, but also remember to not add too many details ether, (like in the second picture lol)
Example of unnatural and a bit too many details:

Anyways remember! Not to add too many details, but also not to add too many, you gotta find that sweet spot.


   ***How do I like***

You can like by hitting the heart icon at the bottom right, you try!
Nah jk, if you liked this guide pls like anyways, I’m going to bed, peace!


Great guide! The shadows look cool!

Should this be in Art?

I can’t believe you’ve tricked me!


great guide!

Should I add a rating of hard this is? (I don pt think so bc this isn’t really a normal guide)

art guides are always at the rating of :white_large_square: (0/10)

Bump cuz I forgot about this guide lol

Bumb :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Awesome guide (btw, is this wording a mistake?)

I think he ment, dont add to little detail, and dont add to much detail

100%, i get what was meant but

Kinda repeated the same thing (if im interpreting this right, Im assuming the “too many” at the end is still talking about details, which was just written right before that, this just seems like a mistype but who knows and who cares that much i could be wrong lmao)