Welcome! Here is my guide about how to make trees!
Here’s how to make an oak!
1 add a bench on its side.
2 put another one, it should look like this, change the colour tint to brown.
Add branches where ever you want, I recommend adding two big branches that branch out into a lot of small ones.
When you finished it should look something like this! ^
Then add two signs for the stump (don’t forget to change the colour!)
And then you can add details! Here’s mine v
cherry blossom
Disclaimer! If you want a better kind of cherry blossom there are probably many other guides about how to make it!
1 get a sign on its side, change it brown and enlarge it, then add two signs on both sides like this!:
Then add two signs for branches branching out, add a sign in the middle.
Then add two pointy signs on the sides and also thicken the branches a bit
Add pink trees while using the layering tool to stop the branches from showing to make the leafs!
You can add little pink shells for the petals.
palm trees
This one’s pretty straightforward:
1 get boxes
Then stack them up on each other to make some thing like this ^
3 add some long bushes and your done! Make coconuts by adding shields shrinking them, and then turning them brown.
Only the steps?
Here’s a few other guides about palm trees:
I like wolf technology’s best how bout you?
pine tree
This one is the last one and is surprisingly simple!
1 get a pole lol
Then add a bush at the top, from there on add more and more bushes slightly getting bigger.
Final product! v
How to make a birch tree! Thanks for @Grahamathan15 for the idea!
1 get a metal pole and enlarge it just like the pine tree
(Optional ) then add little brief cases for the black spots some birch trees have!
After put two metal poles that branch out as branches.
Finally, use cash to make the leafs, here’s mine! ^
FINALLY! IM FREE this took me too long
Listen, I did this… on MOBILE I had to place each leaf MANUALLY, this might not seem like a lot, but I can ASURE you this was a lot of work, and I had change the layer of each leaf.
I coulda made the branches branch out but this by itself took… 1 hr??? So you can add more branches to make it look better, but I’m burnt out, anyways here we go!
1 add a sign with two pointy signs on Esther side to make the stump.
Then add branches, add more if you want but just so you know, the more branches the more work
I added bc I’m on mobile
Then add leaf braids on each tree.
Change the colour of the leafs to green, (you can add little details to it now if you want)
Finished project ^
I might add more trees later but, I’m probably going to be pretty inactive for a while.
If you like this guide please love!
(Also please don’t expect much lol, this is my second guide and I’d love feed back.)