Slim's way for RPG! (wip)


I know there are many RPG guides out there, but this is MY way, and MY tips. I am currently working on a map about RPG, and I would like to share some tips that made my map! [1]

Quote from @Cockatiel

General Tips

RPG games are all about roleplay, so what you don’t want everything fixed. Some suggestions are,

  • Multiball endings
  • Side quests/optional activities
  • A main storyline (If you want one)
  • LORE
  • Some freeplay (e.g. A player can do a lot of things in the area, and not forced into the main quest.)
  • A lot more that I didn’t cover here


If you want a house, mansion, ect, I recommend reading this section.

Normally housing is a place to rest, save your game, or eat. Sometimes game developers make it an important part of the game! For roleplay, it is best not to have everything in houses. Have the player walk around a bit, explore! You don’t want nothing in houses too. Have a few parts of important gameplay in your houses!

This is what my house looks like.

For house guides, look at this, this, and this.

If you want to create a mailing system, use this! [2]


I didn’t use a guide as a reference for the mall, but I used a photo online to create using barriers, and it turned out pretty good!

I used mostly barriers, some text for he lines on the windows, wall pieces for the parking lot, and added parking spaces! [3]

For teleporting inside, use a button that says “Go inside” and use channels or wired to teleport you to the shop/mall.

I will screenshot the inside of my mall once I finish it. :sweat_smile:


I do warn you; you should have a disclaimer in your game, and don’t go too far with this. It can easily get your game removed from discovery.

For trespassing, use barriers to block off the houses or places, and use buttons to trigger popups. Those popups will ask you if you want to enter without permission. If you do, then you get some punishment determined by how you want to create it.

For stealing/robbing use popups asking you if you want to do it. If you say yes, then a punishment can be done, or if you want them to go to court you can do that too.

That’s it for now! As I work on my RPG game, I will update this.

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  1. If any of you say that this is a copy of another guide, I will get your post removed :eyes:. Blackhole said as long as it’s not the same exact thing, it’s fine. ↩︎

  2. You can change the GUI so make it look like mail/emails. ↩︎

  3. There are a couple layering issues though ↩︎


Oops I didn’t mean to put a difficulty poll. It’s not meant for difficulty lol

What why did it get flagged?


This guide is absolutely stupendous. This amazing guide can be helpful in many scenarios, for example, when making rpg games, if your stuck you can reference to this guide and see a couple ideas!

But when I saw the words RPG why did I think of the rocket propelled grenade


lol thanks for starting a conversation. This topic is lonely.

Also welcome to the forums!


@Cockatiel Welcome to the Forums.Make sure to be locked in all the time.

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Can you explain more…? What does ‘locked in’ mean


They mean don’t break the rules

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To be focused all the time


Uh slim would you like this as a wiki or no?

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No, i got 30 days of editing time. When I run out and I still need to edit, I’ll ping Blackhole.


Do you mind if I use that in the intro? (Your review)

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welcome to the forums!

came to this topic to make sure it was ACTUALLY an RPG and not an RNG :skull:


That is also what I first thought it was when I saw it.:joy:


You can use it! I dont really care much!


it means R:ole P:laying G:ame.

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This is a copy omgggg! I’ reporting!!! JK JK I’m kidding. Nice guide.

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Lol that’s what I do for every RPG and RNG topic I see.

Thanks! I’ll add it later.

omg your post has 9 likes :skull:

and my topic has none[1]

  1. I don’t really care though ↩︎


I know I’m not supposed to bump my own guide, but I added a section, so bump.