Questions plssss help for my Cops and Robbers map

Oops not going to waste my time I already found some @joe .


Which do you think is the best for cops and robbers?

Or are they all the same

use wires to connect the trigger to the teleporter

He could just ask you here, it’s a lot safer and makes you seem less sus…

fine Im just in a rush and this isn’t among us

and who the heck even are you

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The phrase I wanted to say instead of sus probably would get me a temp ban.


Oh. I’m ClicClac, the one and only Antarctic phoenix!

oh goodness please dont being rude.

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@ClicClac how long have you been a gimkit player?

Since five years ago, or 2018.

okay guys! ive had it about here! lets all be nice and kind to each other or else you’ll get sent to time out!!


you :carpentry_saw: nothing

(okay for the second question, wire a lifecycle (player knocked out) to a teleporter))


(Or just activate a checkpoint after the game starts)
(Also let’s not make this guy’s post collateral damage)

I’m going to bed. Clearly I had too many fish for dinner.


oops i forgot about that

you saw nothing


This is off-topic on a help post, it’s better to take this elsewhere.

If I try to save the robbers, I just end up in jail

Doesn’t matter :+1: