Pseudo tagging with player coordinates possible?

Tag zones don’t have scope. I want to make it so some people with a certain property true would be able to tag the other team. Is it possible to pseudo tag with player coordinates?


Huh. It doesn’t. Oh well.

I do think it would be able to tag other people with player coords, or you could use the blocks in the tag zone to transmit on something when a player is tagged and something is true



Probably. Try keeping track of each player’s position in a list (set property to empty, relay everyone, append player name + coords to list), then compare each list item to every other item, and check if the distance between the items is less than a tagging distance number. If so, save the tagged player’s name, relay on all players, then have a trigger that receives on the relay. have the trigger check if the player’s name is the tagged player’s name, if so, broadcast on a a channel.

The channel you broadcast on will be from the scope of the tagged player, so you could knock them out, or teleport them, or do whatever.


How would the list be parsed? Also couldn’t the system (possibly) be cheesed if the player username has the parse signal character.

Unless the parsing function use length instead, but that does pose the problem w/ property length limit (If list is too long and can’t fit if it is a large game)

(Congrats on mod!)


I made this by using a global property and setting it to the player’s coordinates whenever they move and then broadcasting to all other players to see if their coordinates are at least sqrt(2) within that distance and if so, they would broadcast back using a player id system.

It’s kind of glitchy and not fully tested though.


There’s no length limit on properties, so a generated list isn’t a problem.

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You could use my guide on how to track every players’ positions to make this system.

You would just have to add a distance based tracking system that tags anybody near you (probably within 1 or 2 tiles but you’d have to play around with it) you can find where I made this in this among us guide under the 2nd part of the killing section:

Just change the ≤ 3 to be a 2 or a 1, and make it run constantly instead of having to push a button.

(I knew this guide would come in handy a lot lol)

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Ah. I thought it was 256


It’s not impossible
Never ask questions about whether its possible or not

The answer will always be yes!


so i made the things in the guide, but I don’t know what to change. Can you help me with the other stuff?

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Did you follow along with the part in the Among Us guide?

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Yes, but I use different features. It is kind of confusing because I don’t use an overlay to infect.

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OH! you’re making infection?
well then why didn’t you say so I wouldve started working on it again! :3


Infection, but the infector doesn’t know they have been infected. Basically, someone starts out with a virus, but they don’t know it, and they infect anyone they get near, without either one of them knowing.


Oh, just turn off “respawn player on tag” in the tag device settings.


yeah except when someone switches teams it automatically respawns them
(I’m pretty sure)


but hol up I’ma test somethin rq

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But then it doesn’t switch their team to be able to tag the other people.

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boop! system done
set the relay to random player and life cycle to game start the trigger sets the player scoped Boolean property to true and when some is tagged by another person it gets set true for the tagged person and they don’t respawn meaning it spreads like a virus to test the results just use this block code in a notification that sends when it receives on the channel put out by the property when it changes

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oh crappeth I forgot to add to add the block code that makes it so it checks when the player that has the property set true is not on the right team to tag at the start so it switches them to team one ._. brb

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