Need Help with a pokemon game

I need help with how to catch a pokemon, or how to name a sentrie in game, also i might not respond immediately because i am in school right now.

Credit to @Zer0

this is for how to name them in game?

How do do you make a poke ball (working) - #10 by Roberta something simillar was talked about not long ago

Well what is your Pokémon

i am using sentries as pokemon, i might make some custom ones too.

i belive there are only set customzations
edit: i can’t tell you with 100% certianty never touched one in my life

Ways to Customize Sentries That can help customize sentry

What about the sentries attacks or how to use a button to make a attack.

Maybe… I think… idk :person_shrugging:

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how about special attack like fire or water things of that sort

I don’t know abt that one.

[leo_flowers] the guide about the sentire naming is that in game? because i wanted to add a feature that you can name your pokemon or sentries

Uhm… no I don’t think so. Only in creative. If you wanted to do it another way, then, I don’t think it works. :pensive:

Okay thanks anyway tho do you think it is possible?

Maybe… just maybe possible :thinking:

Maybe you could use a waypoint to track the text of fire/ ice, and make the text visible when the attack is activated.:fire::ice_cube:

what about the animation for the attack do i use barriers?

also do you know if you could name sentires in game?