Ways to Customize Sentries

This shows the beautiful use of Emojis to customize Sentries this isn’t really a guide but this is just ways you can customize Sentries
Here’s the app that I got the emojis from: https://emojiterra.com/. Put them at the top layer. For people wondering how to place emojis just create a text and copy and paste the emoji in it.

These are just some examples but you could maybe add more plants on to the plant sentry or you could customize the sentries so that they associate with the holiday
(Sorry about my gim blinking)

uhh you have a guide with no learning


Remove the off-topic tag and put art tag. You might want add some steps because this might get flagged. And if this is a showcase, showcases aren’t allowed.

yea because a guide is supposed to make other people learn from it

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also if your going to make the guide make it a mini guide in tags

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Say guide how to customize sentries and show how you did emojis to customize…


Isn’t there a guide about this already?

Man, we gotta stop with these repetitive topics, they clutter the forum like, a lot and we need to keep the clutter down for all the new users joining for the holidays


Yeah he should just move his there…

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Why did you mark it as a guide if it’s not a guide?

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That guide is blocked due to enormous amount of flags…

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If you stop replying people won’t read this.

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allright guys let’s stop now

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this is kinda off-topic

the fifth one though :moyai: xD


If it is off-topic, don’t say it is, and don’t post it

I kinda already made a wiki on this though

Yup, and a non-wiki the day after it got blocked.

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It is a bit short, try adding more.

3 months ago… The editing time is clearly up. I appreciate your thoughts, but please don’t necropost like that.