Need Help with a pokemon game

No, make the text shown, when they click the button to use the attack

Yes use the guide/bug that they found

You can use an animation and the button with the attack

The question is tho, yes you can name it, but can you name it while playing the game. :thinking:

Hmmm :* :face_with_monocle: let me check*

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yea because i wanted the player to be able to name the sentires in game

If you canā€™t name the sentries in the game, I think that they should make an update abt thatā€¦ that would be nice :relieved:

BTW, I gtg for lunch. brb ( I am in school)

yea it would be cool if it isnā€™t already in the game

SO far I think you can only do premade names, maybe let the player choose via popup

Iā€™ve been eating lunch for 10 mins already, also at school

same but thanks for the help

BTW you can suggest stuff here:

could you use block code or can you even type in game

okay thanks i will later

You canā€™t type in game unless you made a keyboard and that takes a lot of memory.

yeah i saw that guide earlier its huge.

Also if anyone knows any prop ideas for a pokemon game i would like to know.