List of tags to avoid in GKC forum


Continuing the discussion from List of tags to use in GKC Forum:
This is a list of tags you should not use in the forum. Please use the wiki feature to edit this topic.

To check who last edited, press the :memo: button in the top right corner of the topic.

Tag Meaning
debate A debate and we do not want arguing on the Forum.
Forum psa topics Forum announcements. Do not post more of these, they cause clutter and are not related to Gimkit Creative. psa can be used for Gimkit Creative Purposes.
forum-beginners Posts about forum functions. Avoid using this tag unless it is absolutely needed.
bug Synonym of Bugs category, making this tag useless
not-a-bug Useless, just recategorize it to Help if it is not a bug and write “[NOT A BUG]” in the title. Can’t really help with anything… after all, you’d have to put it for every non bug post.
easy,hard, very-hard, confusing Unused tag due to the creation of Difficulties. (The emoji color squares.)
partially-resolved A topic is either solved or not solved. Used to be a tag in clay-institute and unresolved, now unused.
role-play Duplicate of rpg.
table Used for topics with tables in them, (like this one) now unused though.
test Tag test. Do not use.
troll Replaced with trap due to confusion and as to not promote inappropriate actions in the forum and ban speedrunners.
tutorial Synonym for most Community Made Guides , except for psa topics. Do not use.
thread Unused Tag. Not needed.
theory Unused Tag. Not needed.
informational Unused Tag. Not needed.
unknown-difficulty Unused along with the easy, hard, very-hard and confusing tags due to the creation of Difficulties.
ban-speedrun A topic that was created for the intention of getting a ban as fast as possiable. This tag makes it easier for mods and regulars to locate ban-speedrunners.
thumbnail Synonym for Art , do not use.
showcase Showcases are not allowed on this forum as per forum rules.
new-user-must-read Replaced by forum-beginners
beginner-must-read Replaced by gimkit-beginners
fa Replaced by psa & forum-tips. Do not make unless necessary.
off-topic Removed because it was used to be an excuse to off-topic post.
official Tags only for non-update topics made by moderators. Do not use in any of your topics.
advertising Similar to the showcase tag - advertising is not allowed in this forum.
beta-platformer-bug unused because It will be useless when platforming is no longer in beta. Replaced by platformer-bug
#mŐ˝rder-mystery Filtered tag, currently blocked.
art-request Requests on thumbnail art. Used to not longer allowed by the community, but the tag is now redundant thanks to the new category, Art
art This tag is redundent now thanks to Art
fix-the-moderation, #skibidi-t0ilet, skibidi-fanumtax, uwu-rizzler, carrot, flagme Tags used for the June 25th riot

Joke tags should not be listed on this table.
Any joke tags not listed here and on the guide below should not be used.

Otherwise, they should not be used.


This is much needed, I wonder why it took so long to appear up top.


Because we were reaching the character limit on the main guide.

[let’s see if I’m talking into the void]

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Shouldn’t we change the poll to show who is editing?


Congrats on TL3!


Congrats for you also!


@WolfTechnology what does this mean?

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ya know this is kinda funny that all these exist and we aren’t supposed to use them
like why do they exist then

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Because people like making tags for things we don’t need tags for.

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how do you make a tag tho

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By typing a tag name that doesn’t exist and then it asks you if you want to make a new tag. I’m pretty sure it’s only for regulars though…


It is.


can i add a tag?




Well, it’s impossible, you aren’t TL3 yet.


Guys, remember to undo your vote when you’re done editing! We have 2 people "editing’ right now


i can edit im tl2
also can someone add the #urm0m tag?

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No, I mean you add tags is impossible. Or were you talking about adding tags to the wiki?


What would that be for?


adding that tag to the wiki and what its for