I need ideas for traps in a deathrun that's not just lasers or sentries

Again, it was just a suggestion (actually, my friends since he was bored). If you don’t like it, get over it.

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Wasn’t trying to be aggressive lol. My bad if it seemed that way. I have the unfortunate tendency to want to question things and understand others reasoning.

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How To Make A Landmine/Triggerable Mine(🟩) This could be a good idea :slight_smile:

Lines of kill zones and safezones like
where the x’s are dangerous parts and the o’s are safe zones.
Where the death activates a button, the x’s kill zones turn on so a player walking through has to either beat the death’s reaction time or bait him.

welcome to the forums! @yaypoke624x

i think you should add a code-like hallway. if you dont know what i mean, make it so you have a hallway, but you can only step on certain tiles, which would line up in a code. if you step on the wrong tile, you’ll be killed. its similar to the glass bridge in squidgame, thats my best way of referencing the idea anyways. (I’m not sure what the name for it is)

hello @yaypoke624x welcome to the forums!
take a look at the guides that was made for death runs! (It includes some traps you may use!)

How to make a Deathrun map (🟨)
How to make a Deathrun (WIP) (A bit lazy)

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