hey there! if you’re curious about me, or examples of my art then click my name to see my bio!
Hi! I’m Kat, 2nd place Fanartist for Gimkit awards 24’.
I’m a animator, graphic designer, fanartist, traditional artists, and probably know/do all the creative things you can think of.
here’s some examples of my work (mostly emotes):
every picture/art has a story, and every story has a meaning, and every meaning comes from a reason, and every reason come from the mind, and every mind can create beautiful things! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) (my own motto)
- I want to be a digital artist/animator, creating art that can come to life! (multimedia artist/animator)
- I’m always willing to have a nice conversation- because i need more freinds so my momm stops complaining about me as a couch potato (╹ڡ╹ )
more on me:
~ my favorite color is PURPLE, cuz’ pink is OVERRATED. fight me if you will. ○( ^皿^)っ Hehehe…
~ fave foods: sushi and a BIG CHONKY BURRITO porque soy una gordita (i just love to eat ngl)
~ i can speak spanish!
~ I play Cookie Run: Kingdom on a daily basis. (My username is Kittykatrules *pure vanilla server)
“Even though you’re fed up, you gotta keep your head up”
- tupac
I like gimkit, doing digital designing, and making maps using my skills!
I do art as a hobby, purely for the enjoyment of myself and others
Im also trying to do animations and comics! (possibly will make and share a series!)
I dook at drawing human anatomy. and have no patience practicing it.
and I do thumbnail art for free , be grateful ^O^
I like to receive advice, so it will be helpful and you may get some advice back!
yoyo, i’m coming to cook you!
~~ - February 27th, 2025 is when I was granted trust level four.
- became wix admin a month before that, I forgot.
-b day: may 14th
-3rd year highschooler