

hey there! if you’re curious about me, or examples of my art then click my name to see my bio!

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Hi! I’m Kat, 2nd place Fanartist for Gimkit awards 24’.
I’m a animator, graphic designer, fanartist, traditional artists, and probably know/do all the creative things you can think of.

here’s some examples of my work (mostly emotes):
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ezgif.com-animated-gif-maker (6)
2025_03_04_0nd_Kleki (1)

every picture/art has a story, and every story has a meaning, and every meaning comes from a reason, and every reason come from the mind, and every mind can create beautiful things! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) (my own motto)

“Even though you’re fed up, you gotta keep your head up”

-b day: may 14th :birthday:
-3rd year highschooler