I need help with Bosses

Heya Guys! Im making a game for a friend and he said he wanted it to be challenging, so I want to add a massive boss fight with moves and everything, Yet I have no idea how. Can yall give me some ideas?

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Just some guides to help you out!


Try these guides!



This might help!


I can’t help you with unique mechanics, but I can make it hard to cheese!Step 1:Add a barrier prop on the boss room that is not visible YET.2:Make 2 zones, one ahead of the prop when you enter the room, and one on the spawn point.For the one next to the barrier prop, set it so that when the player walks in, it shows the prop.Also, when the player walks out of the spawn pad zone, it hides the prop.Also set the scope visibility on the barrier to player!

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Thank you guys so much! Im gonna keep this post open in case anyone has more ideas.
(Maybe for another, 10 minutes or so?)


Don’t forget to mark a solution @C-C!You’re welcome for the help!

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Maybe a boss attack called “Poison?”
It removed all of your consumables, slows you for a set amount of time?

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That would be really cool! I might add that. Thank you!

@c-c cc is my nickname in school.LOL

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Thats kinda ironic, Thats my nickname too!
(we’re getting a little off topic so ima go back to looking for boss attack guides)

You could also incorporate lifesteal and pseudo-health into this idea since we can’t subtract health from the health granter yet.

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Im Definitely using that limited number of lives guide! I want the player to try their hardest in this. The lifesteal is also pretty good too!

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Why not try to add a high health + shield boss with the highest accuracy and fire speed. It might be tough, but I can send a picture later.

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Please do! I think that would be an amazing idea to add.

welcome to the community @MAD_Dragon_3.0! Make sure the read the community guidelines and new-user-must-read post!

Welcome to the forums! @MAD_Dragon_3.0!

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