How would I make an AI that can predict your movements?

I put this in Devices as this may be complicated.
So I was inspired by a CERTAIN game and wanted to make its key gimmick into Gimkit: Predicting your movements.
It WILL require a lot of block code (I think) but is this possible?


Hmm i think if you get your coords and one value above where you move next


But that has a chance of getting wrong of 25% cause you’d move west,east,south or north

Well there’s something more research could help

very possible. we just need to gauge to speed, the coordiante, and the movement, then use the speed to predict.
very possble, but what will we use this for. (also i can make one rn if u want, but its late.)


probably the players cords device

Also don’t sentry do this with their gadget


you can dodge, ofc, but all we need to do is make the prediction times faster, and more random.

We can use this for rage platformers >:)
And making top-down navigation difficult >:)

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yes, but we cant track the predicted location. also the sentry is way too easy to fool. even at max difficulty, all we have to do is spam left and right and it will miss 100% the time.

well, yes, but how
will it work exactly? activate a barrier at the predicted position? we are gona need a bunch of barriers at every position for this to work

though this would be a fun topic to do reseach and math on. ik, yes, im a nerd, but, I LOVE MATH! only problem is, my math class is boring.

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Bunch of barriers AND zones, plus a respawn device in the designated AI predictor area.
Plus TONS of channels.

the coordinate device can substitute zones, hmm, we can make random channels (broadcast on : create text with : x value : y value) and as long as we have engough barriers for this, it would work. (we are gona need a HUGE amount of barriers uk. 409600 for whole map)

First off, actually 12.5% of getting it right.
Second, we can’t really “predict”. It would have to be kind of random. But we could make it say like, ok, you’re moving this direction, so you’ll likely continue that way, and oh, your goal is to get to here, so you should move in this direction. This could most easily be implemented into a platformer, where the game can predict the likely place they will jump to next. Basically triggers all over the place that set your “jumpplace” to a new thing. Usually it would go to a place +1, so if you are on the 5th platform, you are likely to jump to the 6th platform. It gets a bit more complicated when you get to crowded places where you can jump anywhere, for example like the crowd of snow terrain in DLD. But also, what would this be used for?


no, i was thinking, like coordinate divece trakcs your speed (x value per seconD) then, you predict the where the player will be at one second, based off of speed and direction, and then u can broadcast the predicted coords.

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everything is possible its a matter of making it happen


You can tell speed because the speed won’t change unless a speed modifier changes it, and we know the default speed. The only exception is when you’re stopped, but we can use a movement meter for that. So really only direction. Also, what is the use for this? Is there any?

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not really, just a funn math problem.

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yep nope not happening

Didn’t you just reply on “It’s not impossible”?
We don’t say “not happening”, we say “we don’t know yet”.