How would I make an AI that can predict your movements?

this is extrememly possible. i can build one rn


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What is said game in question?

Wait but with a 100% chance of being correct?

Well in Theory it would work,

how accurate would you want it to be?

100% but that might be hard

And why does he need thisā€¦

Uhh ask him I guess he wants it in his game?

100 percent would be mere impossible to do because the thing is
GIMKIT does not have an AI except for the ones with gadgets

it would have to be already built in

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unlessā€¦ when they add invisibits we check and see if the Sentries can find us

nothing is near or mere impossible you just got to find out how to do it

that is a saying by BH, and he said he said it to make people try, He understands some stuff is impossible

I feel this project could be possible somehow but in other cases like AI it would not quite be as possible because we do not have actual ā€œSave filesā€


My first link :slight_smile:

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That would be a major upgrade.
It does seem pretty unlikely, but you never know until you try.

Although Gimkit is built off of in-game devices, they donā€™t have any artificial intelligence or probability terms. You can invert probability using devices, but thatā€™d only be for creating something in-game.

And block code is only for particular devices, and none of them can possibly do anything close to predicting anything, except for maybe a lifecycle and a counter or a duo of that typeā€¦

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Yeh if he wanted less than 100 percent we could make a probability device

Um-- thatā€™s sort of like a motivational postā€¦
Regardless, it might be possible, even though we might not know howā€¦


well I might have an idea,
basically lets say for example a player keeps moving right for like 5 seconds, you would assume that they would keep moving right, so lets base the system on that logic. you would need a coordanate system but it would very much be possible using this logic. school internet went down and this is the only site that works lol.


Sounds Plausible

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Channel Response times. Also i need a players TPS this is the help topic on making it.

i have most of the code done.

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If you can show me, I will be thoroughly impressed.