thx slim
Replying breaks the reusable bump.
Since this Jim is (as of this writing) the most recent reply, it’s the only working reusable bump.
Okay it’s no longer working.
and <!--
without a -->
breaks the ^[]
things apparently
The amount of “is this possible” or “but this isn’t possible” is insane. How many times does Blackhole927 have to mention this is just an inspirational speech not a literal one ? Like obviously there are things you can’t make like a graphing calculator or make a unicorn spawn into the real world. It’s up to you to use your mind to find out if what you want to make in GKC is actually possible using blocks and the devices provided. You can create a separate post asking for aid.
They made a graphing calculator
What? I swear, gimkit doesn’t feel the same now
I like taking things to their limits, but I agree
Jim attempt #3
I wuz here.
The trend is back
Can’t be that hard, right?
Yeah, right. The blocks can do many things, but there are some things that they cannot do.
I can make a low-quality one. Blackhole’s is low-quality, and I could probably make one of that quality or even higher.
Cool essay.
Though your point is very true, the purpose of the post wasn’t quite there yet.
Anyway, to give you another view, here’s this:
This is part inspirational [1], but it is also part literal. This inspires people to try and make systems that they question or exploit in the game. We did the impossible by passing the world border. We also did another [2] impossible thing by figuring out bitwise operations in there. It makes people think, the whole point of a [3] learning experience.
And here was your [4] counterargument.
Debatable. That might be possible, but making like MegaGlest is just asking for too much.
You’d be surprised at how many features could be added to his calculator. And they’re not super hard to create. People can still improve on it.
Oh well Jim was broken no more reusable bump.
I agree, over all how many times have I said it’s not impossible and they didn’t believe me? (not in a rude way) anyways yes it’s possible, a little too possible, like that one time where someone glitched out the map border. that was possible, but not what the community was expecting possible, BUT IT WAS POSSIBLE!!! so next time people let’s say “It’s not possible YET” don’t just say it’s impossible, just add yet to the end and when the future happens it will be possible. - Grim - 3:00 exact.
uh oh your message um did the thing
you did < <
instead of < >
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
The impossible BUMP…
Sometimes, I sit here and think (guys, if u think this statement is weird, picture me on a stone hovering in midair next to a peaceful tree)
BH was honestly trying to stop negativism. Like, some people arnt as nice as they should be, and I feel like most people are saying : BLAH THIS ISNT POSSIBLE BLAH BLAH BLAH MEANN STUFF : and then the creator of the help post is sad. Don’t worry y’all, I was there once.
Anyways, some basically, Bh set out to stop that. BH is a nice guy that is very mysteriose and quiet, so I dunno what was actually happeing in his mind, but this is what I think he thought : Hmm, since people are so mean here, we should make a topic, having a insparational speech, so people can be encouraged to push limits! :
Yeah, I love pushing limits, especially my teachers limits.
I think honestly, the "anyhting is possible " might be a bit exaggerating, but guys his point was to be nice.
guys, don’t hurt little kids feelings.
Be nice, I think the WHOLE purpose of this post is just to say one thing: Be nice.
I joined the forums, cause I have never joined a public chat area thingy, and I was suprised by the niceness. I was smiling literally all day, since @Caternaught decided it was a good idea to complement my guide. Now, I try to be as nice as possible, no matter where I am. on the forums, on the school bus, we can all be nice.
please. take this into acount. I don’t want to see the poiint like :
“OH, making unicorns appear irl is impossible”
possible or imposible IS NOT THE POINT OF THIS POST
that will conclude my Ted talk