How to make an movement check and detect if a player is afk! Difficulty 4/10

In this guide, I will teach you how to make a afk check!
SIDENOTE: I didn’t see @EggNoodle s guide, so here is @EggNoodle 's guide:

Materials needed

1 stackable unused item type
1 Movement Meter
1 Inventory Item Manager
1 Player scoped number Property called “move check”
1 player scoped counter
1 Game start Lifecycle
1 All player Relay
1 item granter
3 Triggers

Part 1: The movement check

Wire the lifecycle to the relay. Event occurs – trigger relay. Now set the item granter to the unused item. Set the amount to the max. 999999999 or something. Wire the relay to the item granter. Relay trigger - Grant item. Now set the movement meter and the inventory item manager to the same item. In the movement meter, set the item drain rate to 0.25. In the inventory item manager, set the property section to the property “move check”. Wire the movement meter to the item granter. Player runs out of movement resource - Grant item. In 1 of the triggers, make it broadcast on “player moved”. Wire the property(yes you can do this) to the trigger. Property value changed – Trigger. The move check is complete!

Part 2: The afk detection

Make another trigger that broadcasts on “clock”. Make it trigger when receiving clock. Make the delay 1. Wire the relay to the trigger: Relay trigger – Trigger. Wire the trigger to the counter. Triggered: Decrement counter. The counter start value should be the amount of seconds before afk is detected. Make the counter have a target value of 0, and make the counter reset when receiving “player moved”. Put the third trigger down and make it broadcast on “afk” Wire the counter to the trigger. Target Value reached – Trigger. What happens when the player is afk should receive on “afk”.

Pictures coming soon!
Player Moved Channel: Player moved
Afk Channel: afk

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0 voters

Nice guide, and thanks for the help on my other guide!

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Nice guide!

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Nice guide! I see you are already going to add them, but remember, pictures are powerful!

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Nice guide! It helped me a lot :slight_smile:

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Great guide! One thing, the Part 1 is kind of similar to my guide, did you take inspiration?

I didn’t see your guide, sorry

also, this guide is more efficient in terms of memory.

How do you know mine is not efficient? Does yours have less devices?

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@EggNoodle your’s is more efficient. I just checked. But @potato1 has a afk kicker

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@EggNoodle I gave you credit. Also, mine doesn’t use blocks

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What Pictures should I add?

The devices you need.

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bumpy bumpity bump bump

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Please don’t bump a post until 1 week since the last reply.

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Nice guide! this will be useful in my maps, thanks!

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BUMP BUMPITY BUMP BUMP (had to use this)

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