How do you make it that if someone stops moving, they regenerate health?

What title says, not much more.

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You just have to make a movement detector (this guide)

and trigger a health granter


So I basically wire the afk detection system to a repeater, then the repeater to a health granter?

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Yep, and you should probably do the opposite and stop the health granter if the player starts moving again

are you making brawl starts?

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maybe :wink: do you play brawl stars?


Brawl Stars is amazing. I love Leon!

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Lou best, but lets not get off topic

Range good but too thin.
You’re right, let’s get back on topic.

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Using the third guide, how do you make it stop when it receives a channel?

In both triggers, have them deactivate when receiving on a channel.

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And another question, how do you make a checker check if the counter is at a certain number?

Have the counter track a property. Place a property device and put in the name of the property you put in the counter. Set “property type” to “number.” Use the checker to check the property.


Yes! made it work!

the final image looks crazy lol

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