How to make a rideable skateboard! 1/10

ANOTHER LESS MEMORY USING SKATEBOARD: needs 2 black tinted basketballs, and a metal pole!

Now, for the outdated board’s guide! If you are making a fully-fleshed out game, it would be strange to have some magic crystals that take you where to go, so I thought of an alternative, a vehicle you can ride left/right, a skateboard! The best part is, we don’t need a coordinate grid, so if you want an easy feature, this is the guide!
Start off by making a small skateboard, a made 2 circle black barriers, as long as 1 thin (any colour) rectangle barrier, and I formed a simple skateboard!
Now for the hard part! Duplicate the skateboard, but make all of it’s pieces NOT active at the start of the game. Now place a zone right in front of it, like so:
When the player enters the zone, make it transmit on “On1” When the player leaves the zone, make it transmit on “Off1” Now go into the barriers (Skateboard’s) Settings, and make it show on “On1” and hide on “Off1” Now all you have to do is rinse and repeat, but make each channel increment by 1 each time, I recommend doing around 10 of these for the full effect! When you finish, it should look something like this:

Now add an asphalt road flooring, but make it so that it just barely covers the gim. And place another layer of WALLED asphalt road directly above the flooring, so the player cant move up and down!

Now you can ride one, but what about destinations, or getting on the skateboard? Well, place a button linked to a speed modifier that gives 1.35 speed. Next place a teleporter on the 1st Skateboard, kink the button to it. At the area where you get off the skateboard, do the same, but with the last skateboard. Now at the edge where the board ends on each side, place a zone (2 zones) Place a teleporter in the area where you get on and off (not on the road.) WIre it so that when you exit on the right, you go to the area where you get off, and vica versa.

Now just add a camera view for that true road effect! If the camera view dosen’t fit, add more terrain/wall!

And that should be a left/right skateboard, this may not have much usage, but I think it’s a better way to depict long distances rather than teleporters, you could also make this a car or boat! Remember, The more the better!
,Coral out! :coral:

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This looks really good! You might want to include a difficulty poll though.

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Thanks, it is simple, but effective!


@ClicClac Sorry, auto-correct!


Wait, how do I make a poll?


You go to the gear icon right above where you type. Go to the Build a Poll option. After that, it will open a menu. At the top of the menu, there will be a tab called “Multiple Options”. Click on that. Then enter your difficulty choices and boom! You have a poll. To get a title, you have to go to the gear at the bottom of the menu and go back to the multiple choices. If you do this, make sure you set the maximum amount of choices to 1 to prevent people from picking more than one difficulty.


I messed up so badly let me try again lol


Oh. I forgot that it has to be on a new line.

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ALRIGHT! It worked!

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This looks very cool. However, for very long distances, this would take a lot of memory. 260 per skateboard and zone.


I know, but I feel like with certain things, you can make the areas you go to different, depending on how/where you ride the board!

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GimAI is no longer active. How do you even know about them?


I think you have to ping it first

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Maybe less if you use props instead of barriers.

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… They aren’t?

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Probably, but none seem right

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Yall, @GimAI went inactive in June.


Maybe a metal pole turned sideways?


Wooden plank works for the board