Need help with a Minecraft-like boat

does anybody know how to make a Minecraft boat look alike?

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Use wooden signs
And tilt them

Can’t be on gkc right now to show pictures

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@BurntSplip use these guides to make the boat move

@BurntSplip here’s a boat like minecraft -

Please mark a solution!

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Can you make one without the paddles?

Done, final image @BurntSplip

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from what side of view is your approach? side view or above view?

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@BurntSplip are you on?

I was going for more of a side-view type style

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Maybe you could use a wooden sign for the sideview?

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if u did side view wouldnt that jst be one wooden pole .-.
i think that is VERY easy to make…

Actually, I know. How he could do it. He could use multiple wooden signs, to make a U shape, like an upside helmet from MC. Next, he can use a tan barrier thats somewhat transparent to let them see their character through the boat.

And after, if you want, add paddles. But that’s optional. Then use animation guides if you want to make it move

but maybe
you can jst have a wooden pole on the bottom
and two more
one in the front and back
so when you walk on it
you’re still in it
but your idea could work too
but the “U” would have to be very flat


Yeah, The base of it would have to be flat, everything else can be slightly thicker than the base. We can keep the barrier, though.

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the barrier could keep the player in place
since either you

  1. row it
  2. movement animation
    so ur gonna have to stay in place

i know this is very off-topic. but Txme_Lxss. are you lxmas/txtris’ alt? since ur name is rlly similar to his


No. I can understand why though. for the alt thing, but no, we can just make a speed modifier make them 0 and teleport them with the animation, but he might not want that because that might be somewhat memory expensive.

EDIT: I’m following a guide while doing this lol. But yeah, hopefully he closes it

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now we wait for burnt to see all this and hopefully close this topic

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You could use some 3d guides to help you

Why I can't help more

My account got banned otherwise I would help more

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