How to make a rideable skateboard! 1/10

Whoops. My bad (what mysz, aren’t you that famous dude) Oh well, I learned from some other people, who asked it to rate them, so I wanted to try it out!

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Sorry, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that!

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That’s fine. Now we should get on-topic again.


Basketballs can be tinted and turned black

Yes! Sorry! (I meant on the forum)

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Yeah, I’ll edit that!

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I recommend making the barriers have an opacity of 1 so they don’t look transparent.

I’m about to edit a better version of the skateboard

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I used some suggestions from the Gims in the comments!

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You should make the basketball completely tinted black so you can’t see the basketball marks, unless that’s intentional.

I keep messing up, my bad I think players will either do that themselves, because they will choose the blackest black.

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Also, I noticed that you didn’t use gridsnap for the placement of the barriers and zones. It’s a very useful tool that lets you perfectly align devices. You can find that in the editing options.

Oh, I never knew that!

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Not using grid snap looks more realistic in game in this case. It simulates bumps.

Now that I think of it, that’s a smart idea. I think you should still use grid snap on the zones though.

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Yeah, but it will help for my other games! In this case, you are right however!

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since when :scream: last i checked it was not gone

oh my fault mysz u are on every chat

There’s a handful of people here who are pretty active, but try to stay on topic. The mods have been getting more strict about off topic posting.


ok thanks NavyCatZ i wont be off topic