How to make a rideable skateboard! 1/10

Nice job!

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Is there a way to make a car like this?

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You could put the car halfway, so you can barely see the player, just make the skateboard a car design,

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I found your guide to be very helpful. However, I noticed that there is a small error in the button. You spelled “blew” as “blue”.

Where, can you quote the sentence?

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Not a sentence. In the photo, it says “you blue up the road to Los Angeles”

The sentence is in the photo. :slight_smile: We all make mistakes. I also believe it is spelled Los Angeles.


Whoops, it’s from an toy I’m making about Percy Jackson, I can’t fix it, because that was a testing map that I deleted


A “toy”? What do you mean?

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Ughh auto correct RPG I meant

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