How to make a Good Adventure Game (Difficulty:🟨)

Hello! Today at this guide, I’ll show you how to make an Amazing Adventure Game!
You’ll need a couple stuff, As-long as you follow through you should be able to make an Adventure game just like mine! Here is everything you need!
Kinda like @Wumpus Credits

The Ultimate Dungeon Crawler Guide by @Wumpus [Difficulty::red_square:]

For things you NESSECARILY NEED Are a
Vending Machine
Optional Props
Many Settings
Item Spawner

Bonus Stuff

Now for some BONUS Things
Camera Overlay
Camera View
You’ll See why it should be Like this

Not to Confusing right? Okay
Lets start off with Dialogue. Dialogue will be very important, this is where we start off wiring and placing popups. It should look like these. Not necessarily in this order though.

It’s only like this because I couldn’t fill in all the Terrain space.
Wires should be set To the Teleporter or Vending Machines (Get to soon)
(Item Purchased → Open Popup)
If you need people to get Somewhere
(Item Purchased → Teleport Player To Target)
Then with all the Other Pops, It Should be
(Close Popup —> Open Popop) Till the end Of the Popup, That’ll finish the Dialogue.

Vending Machines
Vending Machines are going to be an Important part of the game itself!
You’ll definitely need this. Make sure what you need is energy!
Make sure its not Visible. That way this will work better. In-game You’ll be able to purchase the item. Make sure its on Transmit Channel. That way you can change the Item Name.
My Item Names are like. Next world, Snow forest. Or Medieval Town Ride. Next World, Magic Land. If you want to skip this you can. But this is one of the most important steps.

This is where the game looks better. Place down a prop thats resonable for the game. Not like a Random tree. Put the Vending Machine under the prop. But keep part of the Vending Machine Out so you can Buy the Item.

Combinations to finish these

Vending Machines + Props

Vending Machines and Prop
You might think the Prop and Vending Machine thing is stupid. but it needs to turn out like this.
Example 2, 1
It’ll look like this from the outside. (Sorry the first one wasn’t a prop)
Then Ingame It’ll work out like this

You should be able to buy it, Of course you can make the currency, but this is how i did it at first.
If you followed the vending machines, it’ll workout fine!

Vending Machines + Teleporters"

This is also Important, You shouldn’t buy something for no reason! For my adventure game when you teleport there might be Dialouge! I would use a GIF to show easier but i can’t
Anyways. The 3 Important things that i would connect in the game is the Dialogue, Vending Machines, and Teleporter. But in this Order
Vending Machine —> Teleport —> Dialogue
Like that. Simple enough i hope!

Wiring Should Be like These

The Wiring Should be these
Dialouge Wiring
Open Popup, Close Popup

Vending Machine Wiring
Item Purchased → Teleport Player to Target
Item Purchased → Open Popup (Connects with Dialouge Wiring then)

No Teleporter Wiring
No Prop Wiring

Related to Dungeon Crawler Guide by @Wumpus

Bonus Things

Bonuses To add

Health Granter is to heal once teleported
Player Teleported → Health Granted

Camera View is to Minimize Seeings

Game Overlay/Objectives

Game Overlay is an Extra because its not neseccarily important. But just incase you want them, You need Zone and Game Overlay, Wire them.
Enter Zone → Show Overlay Simple as that right? Perfect!Health Granter is to heal once teleported
Player Teleported → Health Granted

Camera View is to Minimize Seeings

Game Overlay/Objectives

Game Overlay is an Extra because its not neseccarily important. But just incase you want them, You need Zone and Game Overlay, Wire them.
Enter Zone → Show Overlay Simple as that right? Perfect!

I know myself they’re may be better guides than this. My Ideas are just for if you guys need help!
Yes, You can Edit the Guide if you really want to add something you think should be in the guide IF its necessary. Please add it in Bonuses to add. Thank you.

Have any Questions? Go ahead and say them in Replies. I’ll listen.
That should be the end. Think I’m missing something? You know what to do.
Your Welcome for the guide

-Heroic DinoSawr

Please Pick a Difficulty

  • 1/10
  • 2/10
  • 3/10
  • 4/10
  • 5/10
  • 6/10
  • 7/10
  • 8/10
  • 9/10
  • 10/10
  • 11/10 :skull:
0 voters

Want to see some more of my Guides? Making my second guide!
Use the Link here to my Second guide!

My Second Guide [Difficulty::green_square:]


Is this like an rpg?


Kinda @WhereIsMyHat
I guess

1 Like

Hasn’t this already been made?


This looks like a good start! Maybe add the wip tag and credit to the dungeon crawler guides by @Wumpus .

and so on…


Not really
Talking and Trading sentry I’ll check that out though


Nice guide!


Please Rate guide guys

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You know you can choose up to 11 options on the poll right?

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yes i do thanks for letting me know


is that a gim iv never seen it and iv been around for 2 years now


no i mean has it been in the shop and do you have it

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chompZ Gim @Haiasi


What rating is 4/10?

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Thanks @Haiasi!
Now I can set difficulty

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You should make a lava area where it has amazing loot and is always open but if you do not have a specific item in your inventory you will take a large amount of damage every few seconds.

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Is that Possible? I’m Going to say yes, I’ll use a checker I guess

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Officialy finished the guide! :|)

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Thanks for removing that wip tag @Haiasi, forgot about that