I need help with storyline/lore ideas

I attempted to learn a new way to write storylines and uhm… (I didn’t plan of making a another help topic but I can’t come up with ideas :skull_and_crossbones:-

Storyline and endings

Precarious Massacre
The large, fluffy, light gray clouds were moving in the sky above the town. The setting seemed familiar yet unsure. The town was full of happy people. The player talks to some of the people and then goes back into their small cave. The next day, they meet someone who looks funky. The person says that their name is Lola. The rest of the day goes by normally, just like the first day. On the third day, everything changes. There are no good people, and all the buildings look different. The player must walk around and meet all the monsters. On the fourth day, the player has control of the ending…
(Btw they just choose to escape or don’t they don’t they can look around and get a different ending)

                             Precarious Massacre endings so far:
  • **Ending one: ** You run away from the monsters as fast as you can. You can escape and are safe.
  • **Ending two: ** You enter a school running away from the monster, but you are not safe. You are chased by a yandere and must find a way to escape.
  • **Ending three: ** You are not able to escape the monsters and are killed.
  • **Ending four: ** You fight the monsters and are victorious. You can save yourself and others.
  • **Ending five: ** You can live with the monsters in peace.
  • **Ending six: ** You are on thin ice pal. You have found all the secrets and found Lola, but you are still not safe. The monsters are still out there, and they are looking for you.
  • **Ending seven: ** the happy people trap you and give you to the monster…
  • **Ending eight: ** Lola teams up with da monsters
    Ending nine It was a dream-?
    Ending ten a spider named George, and you can try and squish him. However, when you do, you instantly get sent to hell to be tortured forever and you get the ending “You deserve this.”
    The thing I need help with is, adding more endings…
"Credits so far

Credits so far, @VWOOM , @B_urn @Captain-Gim @leo_flowers @UnityHavoc

(This will be in the game)

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lore? Im your man
another ending:
the happy people trap you and give you to the monster

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PAHA, that’s a funny ending I will add that!

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Nice lore, @CaptionPuffy!


Thanks @California_Love!

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what about a sad ending where lola sacrifices herself to the monster to save you? @CaptionPuffy

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Ooh—that sounds----good…

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Although that sounds interesting, later in the game it becomes apparent that Lola isn’t your friend and is actually a threat. (I only summarized the story)

Yeah @B_urn ! That’s actually a nice idea.


I’m not the best at this type of stuff, but I am a good writer. Also, a cartoonist.
I’m currently making a cartoon comic series about a sixth grader in middle school. I was inspired by the books I read when I was younger…

Man, that sounded like a new bio…

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hm. what about her teaming up with the monster then?

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Awesome ending idea: On the fourth day, the player woke up to find themselves back in their cave, safe and sound. They began to wonder if the events of the previous day were just a bad dream. However, as they stepped outside, they realized that the town was now completely different from what they had seen before. The sky was a deep shade of purple, and the buildings were made of twisted metal and dark stone. The people who roamed the streets were all twisted versions of their former selves, with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. The player tried to find their way out of the town, but every path seemed to lead them back to where they started. As they continued to explore, they realized that they were not alone - there were other trapped souls cursed to wander this twisted world forever. The player knew that they would never be able to leave, but they also knew that they were not alone in their misery. They decided to make the best of their situation and help others who were lost in this strange, dark world. The end.


I’ll add that ending maybe for a realization ending.

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A dreaming ending that sounds pretty cool!

I can show you a picture of the cover, if you’d like… (Ignore my name, that is actually my name…)

Anyways, this lore sounds pretty good!

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Ooh, nice! You made that pretty quickly! @leo_flowers

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Not really… kinda took me a bit, but thank you.


This looks like a book for wimpy kids, which reminds me of 5th grade, when my 5th grade teacher would put the book series on the dashboard. Anyway, it looks cool.


Yeah, and here’s another example… my actual comics…

It might remind you of something else…