Can anyone help me decorate (infiltrate)

the wix is blocked for me, but these could help

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i need sum like futuristic bc that feels like the vibe of my map

For a futuristic map, try using space beds, spaceship barriers, and basically anything from One Way Out.

-Chef Dementor.

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Also if you cannot find a prop you need, add a text device and use an emoji instead.

-Chef Dementor

ah cyber punk 2077, make tall buildings with special colors like yellow and pink, you can make an area that makes it look far off in the distance when its really just a tiny props/bariers idk how to build so @WolfTechnology can you make something like i just explained

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for futuristic design, add lots of tall buildings, and maybe some billboards? you can make ads on the billboards using this:

it supposed to be a game about breaking into the other teams base and battle and stuff

I’ll help you…
Meet me at 9:00 at the Washington monument so we can infiltrate the big house…

haha very funny there…

so what do you exactly want? like theme of the map.

sum futuristic along with a wrecked battle that happened theme

ok so the props you should use should be almost all metal. So space junk, metal signs and poles, space barriers(vertical and horizontal) and spaceship terrains. Can you give me like a jist of one of the bases and like mid point.

i alr used the space barriers

Can I make your thumbnail for you, @PLAYER1, please?

To Help You Decide

These are some of my other thumbnails for my games:
Battle of a Greater Infinity Logo
Fight, Kill, Survive, Win! Logo

Tell me what you decide…

I also am working on one for my OWO Part 2 map…

I think I’m gonna make it look like the original, except with different colors and a few other things…

Don't Look!!!

It’s a surprise!

hey I have a question. I have 500 topics and 20k read posts. Y am I not a regular yet?

I think the developers have to acknowledge you…
By that I mean they have to literally make you a Regular, instead of just being one automatically when you hit certain requirements…

Why did you delete???

Really? ‘sigh’ Just when I thought I was going to have my glory moment.


Oh. Sorry to ruin it for you…
I really am.
You made me feel bad…

It’s ok. It’s not your fault. I just grinded for hours today and finally got 20k read posts, since I already had 500 topics, I just wanted the feel of victory. Again, it’s not your fault.

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